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PETG settings in PrusaSlicer-2.2.0  

Active Member
PETG settings in PrusaSlicer-2.2.0

I have been working on dialing in my MK3S to print PETG.  I have found a lot of information floating around.  The first thing I notice is that a temp tower ( ) should be printed to see where your filament works the best.  In my case I am using MatterHacker PETG and found that first layer should be set to 230 and all other layers set to 220. 

Where I am running into trouble is where to put some of the other settings I have found that help with PETG.

Some of the settings that I would like to adjust are:
Retraction Length
Retraction Speed
Lift Z

I see these settings in the Filament Setting tab and the Printer Settings tab.  Which tab should I be using to enter the settings I want to adjust, or should be I be using both tabs and entering the same data.

Any comments or suggestions?


Publié : 03/08/2020 1:35 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: PETG settings in PrusaSlicer-2.2.0

I think the printer settings.

Publié : 03/08/2020 7:39 pm
Eminent Member
RE: PETG settings in PrusaSlicer-2.2.0

The filament setting under filament override will overrule the printer setting, so if you want this to happen for this PETG filament only, put it on the filament preset

Publié : 03/08/2020 8:14 pm
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