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Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!  

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Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

That’s interesting. If the thermistor is replaced with a pt100, will that require a change in firmware, or can it be done through software settings? Is it a drop in replacement?

You will need to recompile the firmware yourself, but it's all there in Configuration_prusa.h; just uncomment the relevant lines.


What new materials does this open up for makers? I know polycarbonate can benefit from temps over 300, but what else?

Veröffentlicht : 03/11/2017 12:24 am
New Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

I would like something similar to the old printer que telling you expected ship timetable. I ordered mine 3 days after reveal so I'm hoping I get mine in November.

Yes, me too. Can we please have some updated information on deliveries?

When are we getting our new MK3 printer kits?

Veröffentlicht : 05/11/2017 7:33 am
New Member
Re: Forecast shipping schedule

I'll add my name to the list of buyers who would appreciate forecast shipping information for the new MK3. The only thing we've got now is that it is expected to start shipping in November. We're a week into November now and I haven't received a tracking number so I think a more detailed forecast is called for.


Veröffentlicht : 07/11/2017 12:15 am
Active Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

I ordered a few days ago, support chat said expected delivery Jan-Mar, quite a bit longer than I was expecting. Anyone know if the lead time is shorter for the kit?

Veröffentlicht : 07/11/2017 10:59 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

Newest information says that the first orders will be shipped second half of November - hope to be part of that shipment 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 09/11/2017 10:10 am
New Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

Ordered mine few days ago. Estimated shipping - Feb-March 2018. Wow... well, I guess I'll have to wait. Maybe they will make the production process better until then 😉
Agree that it would be nice with a bit more info about shipping progress.

Veröffentlicht : 09/11/2017 1:41 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

It would be nice to have a play by play, but I suppose that's their choice. And there are probably contributing factors to that choice.

Even if there is a delay, from what little I understand about Prusa it will certainly be because of making the printer better, and taking the proper nessesary time to do so.

Understanding that ethos, it makes it a far easier wait to know they are trying to get things where they want it to be.

This is a new design in many areas. Surely there will be unforeseen hiccups, and I know the small group of people there are going to be doing everything they can to fulfill the Tentative dates and not compromise the machine to do so.

Will be patiently waiting until then.
Absolute trust they are doing what is nessesary.

Veröffentlicht : 09/11/2017 5:40 pm
Craig Trader
Eminent Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

Based on past experience (ordering a MK2 kit last fall), kits will have less wait time than assembled printers (typically 1-2 weeks) and Prusa ships orders on a first-ordered, first-shipped basis. An advertised 3-4 week backlog took 7 weeks from order placed to order delivered, largely due to increased demand generated by the Make 3D Printer review and the NY Maker Faire. I'm expecting the same results this year, for the same reason.

I will note that per their website, on October 1st, they were still dealing with a 5-month backlog of MK2 multi-material upgrade kits. They are also advertising that new orders won't ship until January. I know that Prusa has a much larger factory than last year, and the staff to go with it, but I also expect them to be dealing with much higher demand for their products, so that's probably a wash.

I think our first clue for shipping (beyond a definitive blog post from Josef) will be seeing the assembly documentation on the website. That needs to be available for people to assemble their kits.

I solve problems, usually with computers ...

Veröffentlicht : 11/11/2017 3:41 pm
New Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

At this time Theo all anyone can say is that expected shipping is going to be in November of this year. The Prusa team is pretty good about keeping us up to date. When they know something they tell us. They are also good about shipping a superior product. However that can mean if they get in a batch of supplies not up to their standards it can delay shipping. Mr. Prusa would rather send out a better product later than send out a lesser product earlier. And I can't say I disagree with that.


Oh well, November has come and gone. No units yet. So, even though I pre-ordered in early October, I suppose I will have to resign myself to receiving my MK3 in April 2018. <sigh> Its always the case with anything new. The manufacturer always overstates its ability to deliver. I suppose that's called marketing.

Well, at least when it finally arrives I know there'll be no bugs. It will work perfectly. That is something to take solace in.

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 9:18 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

😯 there are still five sleeps before the end of November... 😕 don't spoil my hopes... 😥

it will e good if it works, out of the box, as described!

i think I prefer this to the "Sinclair" school of marketing

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2017 11:11 am
Active Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

just one question when i get my I3 MK3 in and get it built . will i still need to do live zzzz adjust?

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2017 4:20 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

just one question when i get my I3 MK3 in and get it built . will i still need to do live zzzz adjust?

Yes, you'll still need to calibrate the nozzle height with respect to the probe position. It should hold calibration better on the MK3 because of the thermistor in the probe, so you shouldn't need to do it very often after the first time.

If you get one of the first run of beds, and then switch to a powder coated one, you will probably need to re-calibrate for the thickness difference in the PEI sheet vs the powder coating. Likewise, if you swap out nozzles you'll want to live adjust z to compensate for any movement in the hotend.

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2017 6:28 pm
Active Member
Re: Original Prusa i3 MK3 - bloody smart!

I have ordered my Prusa I3 mk3 kit in October, when the Prusa Website advertised it as due to start shipping in November. Then November became LATE November, then December, then January, then late January, etc. I'm fet ups with the constant lies and marketing hype from Prusa. But it makes sense, Joe Prusa is more about Marketing hype than anything else.

Before this Sunday January 14th, my Prusa Kit was displayed as due to ship this week,that is the week of January 15th. Then precisely one day before, on Sunday 14th, that information got updated from the 15th, to the 29th. Take that dear customer. And if it were not the 4th time such new delays had happened since I had ordered.

Several e-mails I got from Prusa Support staff imply they knew form the begining it was going to ship end of November, but when I had ordered, it said November, not late November. Therefore a blatant lie, designed to mislead clients just to get their orders locked in. Anyhow, we are no longer counting the lies from Prusa Research, are we ?

For less than the price of the Prusa kit which never arrived, I have ordered a Flogertech FT-5 R2 (which has just arrived, only several days after ordering), and also ordered a Bondtech extruder straight from Sweden, an E3D hotend straight from E3D, and a Duet WIFI with TMC2660 integrated drivers over SPI > all of which have arrived less than one week after having ordered, perhaps Joe Prusa could get some tips from all these guys on how to run an efficient business, rather than spending all his time Marketing and clowning on Youtube. Certainly, it works, I fell for it myself, but one only falls to it once.

PS. Had Prusa been honest about delivery times, and had they shown in October a delivery time for January, I may have ordered, or I may not have ordered, but I would never have been frustrated about it. Actually, it is probable I would have ordered and waited. But it is the constant lies, delays, the drip by drip information, which were really too much (BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAIN LIES DESIGNED SIMPLY TO GET CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE PRUSA'S ROLLING STOCK) There a banks for this, or Kickstarter, no need to lie to customers ! I was very sympathetic to Joe's case against PayPal. But now I really wonder whether PayPal had not a valid reason to be suspicious about Prusa's cash-flows and business practices. It seems actually that they did have a valid point, and that Joe Prusa is a great comedian on YouTube.

Veröffentlicht : 21/01/2018 5:05 pm
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