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OctoPrint issues and tips  

Stránka 10 / 23
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

i have the pi0w running. and it works perfect. (new FW and the new prusa iso).
No Problems at all. (ok took a while to find out that the rpi don't support chanel 12/13 Wlan 🙄 because it did not connect to router..)

now i would like to connect a logitech 720 Webcam. did anyone try this?

I printed the case with the door for rpi. but there ist litte to no space to get a usb plug in there.
what cable and plugs did you use?

I think i would solder a smal micro usb plug to the webcam, but i haven't found a cable with a smal plug yet.

If you want your pi to work on WiFi Channel 13, you need to tell the Pi that you're in the UK or another country which allows Ch13 to be used. You'll need to login via terminal (either ssh or plug in a screen and use the command line) and run:
sudo raspi-config
You will find the option you need under "4 - Localisation Options" then "I4 - Change WiFi Country". Once you have selected UK, select finish and reboot.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 1:05 pm
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Biggest advantage, it gets its power from the EInsy board, Takes less space, is better organised. Biggest disadvantage, tbh a Pi Zero is underpowered and struggles when you want it to record video/timelapse . I have both a Pi3b and a Pi zero W, so I will test both. Runing another make of printer at the moment, and quite happy with the Pi3 based control

I'm powering my rpi3 via einsy board pins. Seems to work fine even with a rpi cam v2. my print quality from octopi seem worse than from direct sd card printing though.

Napsal : 17/02/2018 5:38 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm trying to get OctoPrint working over USB with a Raspberry Pi 3. I must be missing something painfully obvious 🙂 I have OctoPrint up and running. I've connected the Pi to the MK3 with the USB cable that came with the MK3. I can never get the Pi to connect.

I've tried AUTO/AUTO for the Serial Port/Baudrate. I've also tried /dev/ttyACM0 (the only serial port that shows in OctoPrint) and 115200. When I hit connect I hear the fans spin up on the printer, then after a few minutes I get this error in OctoPrint:

Unhandled communication error. There was an unhandled error while talking to the printer. Due to that OctoPrint disconnected. Error: No more baudrates to test, and no suitable baudrate found.

I have firmware 3.1.1-201 installed on the printer and OctoPrint 1.3.6. I must be missing something obvious here, can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Napsal : 17/02/2018 11:42 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I figured it out: apparently having RPi port [on] in the settings prevents USB from working. I turned it off and OctoPrint immediately started working.

Napsal : 18/02/2018 3:50 am
Prominent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I knew I had seen something about this somewhere but do you think I could think what it was! Glad you found it and posted the answer for others to find 🙂

Napsal : 18/02/2018 7:56 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hm....that is commonly known and written many times on this forum (and elsewhere): RPi and USB share same channel on ATmega2560, so it''s one or another.
Even one comm channel causes problems, having two alive is science fiction on such low-powered MCU.

Napsal : 18/02/2018 9:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hm....that is commonly known and written many times on this forum (and elsewhere): RPi and USB share same channel on ATmega2560, so it''s one or another.
Even one comm channel causes problems, having two alive is science fiction on such low-powered MCU.

It may be commonly written but when you don't know what to search for it's not something one can find. I spent a good hour looking around the web and came up with nothing. Case in point: this thread, which is titled "OctoPrint issues and tips". It does not mention this requirement anywhere (well, it didn't, until I posted).

There's also no documentation on the Prusa site or in the manual about all of the commands in the LCD UI saying what "RPi port" is for. Nor does the small section on OctoPrint in the manual, nor the section on OctoPrint on the support page, mention anything about this.

Many of us buying the MK3 are doing so as a first printer. We don't have the years of background of twiddling with hacked together machines like some of the people here do. "Commonly known" doesn't help us if it isn't written down somewhere we can find.

Napsal : 18/02/2018 3:27 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm not sure, but i think that i've read this somewhere in the forum. Anyway, I agree that it doesn't harm if this fact is written on more places. And, i agree that it should be posted in Prusa manual (i guess that eventually it will be).

Napsal : 18/02/2018 4:30 pm
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Just a question about OctoPrint and the filament sensor. Is the filament sensor suppose to work while printing from Octoprint. I continue to have issues with certain filaments false triggering (Mostly Black Petg) but after the latest firmware update I notice that while the sensor is on the print will stop for a while and in the terminal it will report

Send: N4746 G1 X167.212 Y104.257 E38.1640*95
Recv: echo:Enqueing to the front: "G1 E-3 F200"
Recv: echo:Enqueing to the front: "G1 E3 F200"

until it finally starts to go again only it misses large amounts of the print. It will do this several times each time missing large parts of the print until the sensor finally triggers and it asks to unload the filament. at this point after reloading the false trigger it does look like it starts in the place it left off. If I disable the sensor it prints completely fine. I print a lot of Black PETG so i rarely ever turn on the sensor. For the most part It is like this feature remains unusable for almost every case I print from...

Napsal : 19/02/2018 3:22 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Update 19.2.:

First post updated with links to official guides for Raspberry Pi Zero W and Original Prusa i3 MK3 😉

1. How to install Raspberry Pi Zero W to your MK3

2. How to download or create your own RPi Zero W OctoPrint image

3. How to see the IP address on your printer's screen

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Napsal : 19/02/2018 2:01 pm
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm using a Rpi3 that was working well with another printer and is now only connected to the MK3 using the same USB cable, Serialport set to "AUTO" or "/dev/ttyACM0", Baudrate 250000 I get the following error when trying to connect:

Send: N0 M110 N0*125
Recv: \x1e\x06~\x06��\x06~��f��\x06����\x18�x��\x06\x18�\x06��\x18x\x00��\x18\x06f��\x06����\x18\x18�\x06��\x06~\x00�f\x06\x06x\x06\x06~f\x06x�\x18\x18`f��\x06\x18��\x18\x18x\x00��\x18\x18���\x1e����\x1e�\x18x\x1e\x18\x18\x06�\x00f~`\x06���\x18�~\x00\x18�������f\x06�\x00\x18xf�x\x06f~��`\x06������xf�~f���\x1e����\x00f���f\x06x�\x18\x18`f��\x06\x18��\x18\x18x\x00��\x18\x18\x06f��\x06����\x18\x18`\x18fxf\x06�\x1efx����\x18f�~\x00���\x1ex��\x18\x18\x18f�\x06����f����f~x�xf����f\x06~f���~\x00���x\x06\x18x��f��\x06����\x18�\x06��\x06x\x1e��`fx`\x06\x18`f�x\x06f~��`\x06��fx`\x06~����~��\x06\x18���\x06\x06xf\x06x��\x06\x06x\x1e�f�����`�\x06\x1e��f��\x06�`fx`fx\x1e\x06~\x00�\x06��\x06��\x06�f\x06`\x06�\x1e��`f�\x1e�x\x06�x\x00�f�����`\x06�����\x00����`fx�\x18���\x18f\x1ef\x06���\x00f\x00\x06f���\x18xf�f�����`�~\x06\x18\x06x��fx��\x1e��\x18\x06\x18\x06`f�\x1ef\x00��\x06�f\x06`����f��\x06������\x06`\x00��f��\x06x\x00������
There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer

Octoprint: latest (1.3.6)
MK3: latest (3.1.1)
I'm sure it's something stupidly simple, but I couldn't google myself to a solution.

Thanks for your help!

EDIT: Baudrate 115200 seems to work just fine! Is this the MK3s limit, I don't think so?

Napsal : 19/02/2018 9:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Non-standard baud rates or those greater than 115200 are not always setup by default. The issue is most likely in octoprint. The 115200 rate works fine for me printing the last few hundred hours or so.

Here's a quick google link from 2012 that touches on the issue. (I'm sure there are more current links)

Napsal : 20/02/2018 4:29 am
Miquel Adell
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips


I'm waiting for my MK3 and since I have nothing better to do I'm reading the forums.

I did not understand if the issues described in this thread affect just a Pi0 connected directly to the board or we are also having problems with Octopi on a Pi3 connected via USB.

Sorry for such a simple question I've been reading this thread but if that's answered I skipped it.


Napsal : 20/02/2018 9:42 am
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Has anyone hooked up a camera? How did you do it? Can you attach a camera to ZERO via the usb port on mk3?

Napsal : 20/02/2018 10:07 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips


I'm waiting for my MK3 and since I have nothing better to do I'm reading the forums.

I did not understand if the issues described in this thread affect just a Pi0 connected directly to the board or we are also having problems with Octopi on a Pi3 connected via USB.

Sorry for such a simple question I've been reading this thread but if that's answered I skipped it.


It was both but I think the latest firmware fixed that.

Napsal : 20/02/2018 10:24 pm
Active Member
Protip: Raspberry Pi Zero WH has the GPIO header pre-installed:

Pre-ordered my Mk 3 and although I have multiple Pis sitting around, I did not have a Zero to manage the wireless printing functionality.

Went looking for one tonight and what should I find?

WiFi PLUS a pre-soldered GPIO array! Done!

Napsal : 21/02/2018 8:49 am
Honorable Member
Re: Protip: Raspberry Pi Zero WH has the GPIO header pre-installed:

Pre-ordered my Mk 3 and although I have multiple Pis sitting around, I did not have a Zero to manage the wireless printing functionality.

Went looking for one tonight and what should I find?

WiFi PLUS a pre-soldered GPIO array! Done!


Someone correct me if i am wromg, it connecting this to the MK3 as is will destroy the Pi and potentially the Einsy too.

You only need the 6 pins soldered.... if you connect the whole strip (like the pic) you will connect a whole bunch of dangerous things to the Pi (i.e 24v).

So before you connect this, you need to desolder all of the unused pins...

Plus.. those header pins armt even long enough for this application.. have a look at section 5 & 6 here

Napsal : 21/02/2018 9:44 am
New Member
Prusa MK3 Raspberyy Pi 3 B with Camera V2 Guide

I thought I would write a quick guide for installing Octoprint on an MK3 with the Raspberry pi Camera V2 since I saw so much helpful but also fragmented information. I wanted high quality Timelapse photos with the camera mounted to the bed. This is my first 3D printer and my first pi.

My plan is first to get Octoprint running, then the camera, then mount everything to the MK3.

Firstly, I decided against the pi zero. I actually bought a pi zero for this purpose but I kept running into problems. In particular, the Pi Camera V2 ribbon cable will not connect to the Pi Zero. Additionally, there is a thread on the Octoprint homepage which scared me off from using the pi Zero. So Pi 3 B it is! I also decided to use USB to connect it to the MK3 and I am powering it through a MicroUSB cable since I've heard murmors about power issues and I have a USB port nearby anyway.

Shopping list:
Raspberry Pi 3 B with a power supply and sd card
Pi Camera V2
Extra Long Camera Ribbon Cable (I have a 2m cable)
Some PETG filament

Make sure you have the latest MK3 firmware.

Download Octoprint image file
Install Image File on an SD Card (I used Etcher on a MAC). Make sure if you use an SD card adapter that said adapter is unlocked. That one took me way too long to troubleshoot!

On the SD card (now flashed) locate the file octopi-network.txt
Edit the file using a text editor like Notepad ++ (Windows) or Atom (for Mac). A stock text editor will mess up the text file!

In my case I uncommented the 3 single # lines after "## WPA/WÅA2 secured" and entered my network info below and saved the file.

Now boot up the pi from the SD card and connect the pi to the MK3 with a USB cable (I'm using the included cable for now until I get everything working and figure out how I want to mount the pi).

Access OctoPrint through http://octopi.local or http://<your pi's ip address>.

At this point I was able to access Octoprint on my Pi and I decided to setup the camera later once I get Octoprint running.

Now run through the setup wizard.

I skipped setting up a slicing profile because I want to slice on my laptop.

Now for the Printer profile:

Give your printer a name and a model number (you cannot change the Identifier but the devs wanted us to see this box anyway lol)
Print bed & build volume
X: 250
Y: 210
Z: 200

Now you have a decision to make. Since the printer likes to print a little test line at the edge of the bounding box each time (which I happen to like) you will get a warning with each print that your print is outisde of the bounding box during the bounding box check. You can either remove the line from your prints, change the bounding box by setting x to -5 or -3 (depending on who you ask). My personal solution will be to disable the warning later.

(I kept the defaults which were)
X 6000
Y 6000
Z 200
E 300

Hotend & extruder:
(I kept the defaults which were)
0.4 mm
1 extruder

Now press Next (and then I had to press reload) and then Octoprint wanted to update right away so I let it. By the way, there were tons of warnings during the updates in scary red text. And then the server was offline. And then I had to reload. Ok, lots of buttons to push here... mash away at Next or Reload or Try again etc until you get to the Online connectivity check.

Online connectivity check:
(I enabled it)

Enable Plugin Blacklisting:
Seems reasonable. I enabled it.

OK finish the setup and then press connect.

Now if you are like me and you want to disable that warning for bed size you can do that under settings, features
[ ] Enable model size detection and warn if model exceeds print bed Beta (uncheck that box)

At this point, I was connected and started a small test print.

OK, now it's time to add the camera.

I used the 2M cable from Adafruit although Ill probably order a shorter one later. First I unplugged the pi and the MK3 and then fastened the ribbon cable to the camera and the pi 3 (to the connector labeled camera). Note that you may have to remove some protective film from the ribbon cable connector.

Started up the pi and the MK3 and I have an image in the Octoprint interface! I went into Octoprint settings and found webcam settings where I flipped the camera vertically.

I'm actually a bit surprised by how easy this was. I didn't change any settings whatsoever on the MK3 (with latest firmware)!

OK, my next step will be to find a perfect location for the camera and mount it to the bed. No promises on when this gets updated though.

Napsal : 21/02/2018 11:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I think I used the Prusa supplied image, though I can't remember as I waffled between the images, anyway it was pretty straight forward and I get no warnings when the priming spooge is laid down, that's why I think I must have used the Prusa image. I'm using a Pi 3B with the Pi Camera V2.1 and have no issues. I burned the image plugged the camera in and was up and running. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to set the camera resolution and frame rate, sorry I can't recall the exact procedure and I'm not at home to attach to the Pi via command line to remember what I did. I'm not a Linux guy and documentation for setting the resolution and frame rate in Octopi is a little sparse at best. The Pi camera defaults to a really low resolution when connected to Octopi. I have a Pi Zero as well but shied away from using it because it doesn't allow special characters in WiFi passwords so I ended up using the Pi 3B hardwired to my network.

Napsal : 21/02/2018 2:07 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I started with the Prusa image on a Pi 3 but now I'd like it to boot to a UI and run Chromium on the 7" Pi touchscreen and I'm having problems. I can get it to load chromium as the desktop but then it complains because it is starting as root user. I'll get there but dang it's been a while since I used Linux.

FYI I bought a Logitech C615 and it works perfectly with the Prusa image.

Napsal : 21/02/2018 10:05 pm
Stránka 10 / 23