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OctoDash and M600 trouble  

Active Member
OctoDash and M600 trouble

I have a Prusa MK3S+ and use OctoDash.

The instructions for installing OctoDash state that I need to change the Firmware and Enable M600.

Have been through all menu items on my printer, but have not been able to find settings for M600.

I use the standard firmware that is in the printer when it comes from Prusa

How do I do it ?

Opublikowany : 23/06/2022 9:54 pm
Noble Member

The Prusa MK3/3S/3S+ already supports the M600 (filament change). See:

No need to enable anything.

(I am using an MK3S and OctoDash - works great)

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Opublikowany : 24/06/2022 2:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: OctoDash and M600 trouble

May I ask what screen you are using?

Opublikowany : 24/06/2022 6:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: OctoDash and M600 trouble

I am using the original RasPi 7-inch touch display:

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
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Opublikowany : 25/06/2022 9:40 am