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Nozzle seems to clog  

Active Member
Nozzle seems to clog

When I want to print a part with 0.1mm z resolution, the nozzle always seems to clog. I notice this when the extruder stepper motor starts to skip and no more material escapes from the nozzle. The problem is very common, so I haven't been able to print successfully with 0.1mm resolution yet. If I sit next to the printer and notice it immediately, I can pause the printer, unload and reload the filament to solve the problem temporarily. Most of the time I can't pull out the filament because it has a small knot at the front end of the filament that can't get out to the opening at the top.

If I'm not next to the printer, it's even harder. The filament of the two gears is usually melted or broken.

What could be the problem? Can I change the parameters? Why is this step skipping not detected by the printer?

Postato : 28/04/2018 9:54 am