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My prusa does strange things  

Active Member
My prusa does strange things

So I imported a model and sliced it in the newest prusa slicer software. The printer get the perimeter placed wrong and then print the first layer over the line to make the model like it should. In slicer preview everything look correct. Slice and export to sd and start printing. I have no idea why and other things I printed came out just fine. 😕
Anyone got any clue?

Firmware on printer is checked a week ago when I got my printer.

Napsal : 29/08/2018 10:46 pm
Reputable Member
Re: My prusa does strange things

Many STL files you find on the Internet are not "perfect" and sometimes slicing imperfect files can give funny results. Try checking the STL file with Netfabb to see if it has correctable errors.

Napsal : 30/08/2018 2:12 am