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Model Makers Everywhere!  

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Model Makers Everywhere!

Noting here the increased number of Maker Model Fairs around the planet, I as chairman for the O Scale 2020 Nation Convention would like to invite your interest to the hobby model railroading. Many attendees are Master Model Railroaders and builders of not only static objects but operational models as well in most cases.

Now I will be right up front, I am looking for some volunteers that would like to be involved in producing a major convention. The O Scale convention is held annually and the 2020 meet will be the 52nd. The meet will be held in partnership within the same week as the National Model Railroad Association's Gateway 2020 Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Consequently, this will be a rather large event during the week of July 12th - 18th and probably the largest show above and beyond the regional meets in size.

In my efforts to recruit STEM Students to the hobby, I think the 3D Printer community would also find a very welcoming group of modelers whose interests are starting to peak toward 3D Printing as a major means of not only printing useful tools and jigs for crafting 1/4" scale or Proto48 models, but also developing detail parts for operational equipment on the railroad layout. One of the major attractions to any model railroad convention are the many and varied clinics put on by experts. In my opinion we need some volunteers to put on clinics in not only building a 3D printer, but more so for educating an audience on how to create the model using the various software programs available. While I am primarily a scratch builder in brass, the majority of modelers are probably mixed media builders. That is to say a model may consist of wood, plastic or styrene to lost wax brass castings. 3D printed models and detail parts especially for one of a kind type of requirement is perfect for the 3D model maker and model rail hobbyist.

To my knowledge, no 3D printed model or models with printed component parts has won a major O Scale model railroad model contest or model best in show in any of the model railroading hobby conventions. It is only a matter of time before that happens and it would be nice to see models entered for judging in 2020.

The best way and by far the cheapest means of getting connected to O Scale is to join the O Scale Kings organization for $10.00 annual membership. The web site link is:

With this web site you can stay in touch with a very active community.

Your suggestions and ideas are most welcome at this time. We are developing the convention program so there are many tasks available to work on. Given the sizable talent pool of 3D Printer enthusiasts around the St. Louis Metropolitan area, I believe there is a role to be played toward putting on a spectacular meet. Consequently, we are sizing up what we need for floor space, everything from clinic space, vendor space requirements during the NMRA Train Show, modular layouts, etc. this is the ground floor work to be done.

If you would like more information please feel free to contact me at (jwubbel at or visit my YouTube channel:

and I will monitor this topic thread for posted suggestions and ideas to help our model maker community. I am hosting regular Video Conference calls to facilitate volunteer collaboration on this project.

All The Best!

John Wubbel

Veröffentlicht : 02/07/2019 2:54 pm