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MMU 2.0, how "fixed"?  

New Member
MMU 2.0, how "fixed"?

Hi, anyone can tell me how much the MMU 2.0 is meant to be a fixed build? What I mean is that currently (no mmu) I'm always moving my mk3 in a closet and the spools in ziplock bags when I don't print for some time, but from what I see in the MMU manual I suspect that's not as easy anymore. Is the 5 filaments calibration needed only if a ptfe tube is replaced or also when a spool holder is disconnected and reconnected, or maybe even when you change a spool?


Napsal : 27/10/2018 12:48 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MMU 2.0, how "fixed"?

There's a ton of information on the dedicated MMU 2 sub forum

You'd probably have better results getting your answer by reading through the information there.

Napsal : 29/10/2018 5:02 pm