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Mk3 to Mk3S upgrade printed part question  

Active Member
Mk3 to Mk3S upgrade printed part question

While printing the PETG parts needed for the upgrade I have a massive failure about 2 hrs into print.  The print turned into a large black ball of streamers and the PINDA was broken from the print head.  I don't know which of the many SLA is the correct part needed to replace the broken part. Is it the extruder body, extruder body back side or ??  I will have to order as my printer is defunct and I want to be sure of the part.  Thanks

Napsal : 20/11/2020 8:15 pm
RE: Mk3 to Mk3S upgrade printed part question

Can you post pictures?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 24/11/2020 12:25 am