Mesh Bed Leveling Correction -- How to Erase and when does it take it into account?
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Mesh Bed Leveling Correction -- How to Erase and when does it take it into account?  

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Mesh Bed Leveling Correction -- How to Erase and when does it take it into account?

Hi Everyone!

I had a few questions about the Meshbed leveling:

(1) Is there any way to completely erase it, such that the head does not adjust its height as it prints the first layer?

(2) Let's say I performed the mesh bed leveling and want to simply move the head on the x-axis from left to right, very close to the bed itself. Will the z-axis also adjust if I am simply moving the head from left to right via the LCD screen or from Pronterface?



Publié : 21/05/2019 11:59 am
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