Is there a set of steps to do when switching between different types of filaments like PP to PLA to PP to PLA again?
Is there a set of steps to do when switching between different types of filaments like PP to PLA to PP to PLA again?
I print using PLA, PETG, TPU and PP (polypropylene) constantly switch around I'm using a steel nozzle and I have a Prusa mk3s
I notice when I print using PP (polypropylene) and go to print PLA then PP then back to PLA I start to ooze PLA filament from the nozzle and heatblock and the nozzle becomes loose. I think the different heating temperatures going back and forth is making the nozzle loose. Is there a list of steps to follow when printing / switching between different types filaments?
My steps are to heat the current filament PLA to the last hottest temperature used (PP temperatures) extrude some filament to make sure all the PP is out then go back down to PLA temperatures before printing. Should I be doing something different? Is there a set of steps to do when switching between different filaments types like PLA, PETG, TPU and PP (polypropylene) ?
RE: Is there a set of steps to do when switching between different types of filaments like PP to PLA to PP to PLA again?
The nozzle on an E3D v6 should be tightened when hot to prevent loosening and leaking. If correctly tightened, it should be ok with different temperatures.
With an E3D v6, swapping nozzles is a thankless chore. The brand new Revo 6, also from E3D, makes nozzle swapping a breeze and will fit exactly in place of the V6. For the past year or so, I've been using a Mosquito for the easy nozzle changes, but that requires a different extruder.
If you are concerned about filament mixing, you could do a "cold pull" using nylon or "nozzle cleaning" filament. It is available in small, pre-cut quantities on Amazon. To use, you preheat the printer, remove the filament, insert the cleaning filament and then do a cool down. When the hotend gets down to about 100c, manually release the pressure on the Bondtech idler and pull the filament out. The nylon will have melted into all of the old filament right down to the nozzle tip and then releases easily from all of the metal once cooled, leaving the hotend completely clear and open.
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RE: Is there a set of steps to do when switching between different types of filaments like PP to PLA to PP to PLA again?
Prusa recommends you tighten your nozzle at 280c,
If I'm going between PLA and PETG I'll use the correct temp for whatever filament I'm installing. If I last used ABS I'll use ABS temps regardless of what I'm planning on using now. I always do a cool down after a filament change, unless of course it's an in print change. A little drool when heating the nozzle is normal, that's why you have a purge line at the start of every print.
Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit