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Infill is being torn apart  

New Member
Infill is being torn apart

I got the prusa mk3 about a week ago and all worked fine. Now the nozzle is running in to the infill as it goes across the first layer of infill it put down and collecting a ball of filament. The base layers a are fine. Just the infill collision. i think it may be a board or z axis issue with the steppers.

I have tried speed, flow rate, calibration, live z height and other presets.

Publié : 25/04/2018 5:48 am
New Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

I have also seen this problem. Fixed when I chose a different infill pattern that overlaps better. (Like Honeycomb)

Publié : 25/04/2018 4:34 pm
Justin DeWoody
Eminent Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

What about adjusting the Z lift? Maybe try setting it to 2mm?

Publié : 25/04/2018 4:34 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

see this post also:

Publié : 25/04/2018 11:09 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

You're overextruding and building up too thick layers, over time that slight overthickness means the print head will hit the layers. Or you could switch to honeycomb.

Publié : 25/04/2018 11:15 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

I got the prusa mk3 about a week ago and all worked fine. Now the nozzle is running in to the infill as it goes across the first layer of infill it put down and collecting a ball of filament. The base layers a are fine. Just the infill collision. i think it may be a board or z axis issue with the steppers.

I have tried speed, flow rate, calibration, live z height and other presets.

I'm gonna beat a dead horse, and you say you've already done it... but... Get your LiveZ so that the solid infill on your first layer is "smooth" on top.

If it's "bump" with smooth ridges. (eg, you can fingernail across the valleys, smoothly, but across them is VERY rough) You are too high.
If it feels like "sandpaper" with "rough" ridges. (Eg, you take your finger, and no matter which way you go, it's kinda rough, and feels like sandpaper) You are too low.

My first layer is almost as smooth on the top, as it is the bottom. I don't use the calipers for it.
I *DO* advise slicing your own "first layer test".
Because as I said, the "feel" is more important than the actual thickness.
(This sounds crazy, but let me explain)
Printer thinks Layer 1, is *ALWAYS* 0.2mm thick. (or whatever you set it to)
So if printer extrudes layer 2, on top of layer 1, and layer 1, "sank" lower, because of extruding "too high"... Layer2, will have under extrusion as well. (and maybe layer 3 depending on the seveirty)
If your printer extrudes layer 2, on top of a "too close to the print bed" layer 1, it's actually "thicker than it thinks it is. Due to the fact the first 3-5 layers are SOLID. This is a *HUGE* problem, that can cause issues 1 or 2 layers higher than the solid infill!!!
Example: Layer 1, spews filament, and it's bulging aroud the sides of the extrusion by 0.05mm, becuase it's 0.05mm too close to the bed. Layer 2, will be printing at 0.15mm layer height, with enough filament to fill that layer solid to 0.2mm... So to no suprise, it will "bulge" 0.05mm too high. Rinse and repeat until the solid layers are done. This is a HUGE problem I frequently see, and don't feel like telling people who are happy with their printer, they have a major problem.
(If it ain't broken, don't fix it)

Basically: Regardless of how thick the first layer is, a "sandpaper texture" the nozzle is too close. "Smooth ridges" means the nozzle is too far away. Regardless of what your calipers say. A "smooth" first layer, is the "perfect" height, for your nozzle. Your nozzle is telling you is it. Listen to your printer. Even if it is actually 0.21mm with your calipers. (This will actually help your first layer adhesion as well)

Now, let me explain how I would advise you to try.

Step 1. Do Live Z, until first layer is smooth on top.
Step 2. Do this extrusion multiplier test, and get your extrusion multiplier perfect.
Step 3. Go back, and do your LiveZ again, with an object you sliced with your new extrusion multiplier.

I just spent 3 hours doing this on my el-cheapo Delta printer earlier today... Man I hate that thing!

Changing your infill pattern might make it work. But it does not fix the problem you are having.

If you have had your printer for a week+, you MAY want to try cleaning the nozzle with a paper-towel when it's hot.

Filament can carbonize on the bottom of the nozzle, and this makes it MUCH more likely to "drag/catch" filament it goes over.

Good luck.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Publié : 26/04/2018 7:00 am
Reputable Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

Sean, great info for a newbie like me. Will follow this when printer arrives. Thanks for sharing

Publié : 26/04/2018 5:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Infill is being torn apart

I got the prusa mk3 about a week ago and all worked fine. Now the nozzle is running in to the infill as it goes across the first layer of infill it put down and collecting a ball of filament. The base layers a are fine. Just the infill collision. i think it may be a board or z axis issue with the steppers.

I have tried speed, flow rate, calibration, live z height and other presets.

what material? this is super common for Pet-g, and flex unless you are going very slow.

Publié : 27/04/2018 7:31 am
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