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i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?  

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i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?

I'm planning on buying the i3 MK3S kit, having it shipped to California where I live. I would like to print the Prusa face shield and/or other PPEs. I assume it would be good to get PETG filament for the face shield...anything else that I'll need to get started printing?

I'd like to get started as soon as possible and don't want to add another 5 days of shipping if I need to order any other supplies.


Postato : 02/04/2020 2:11 am
KP hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
RE: i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?

You will need supplies for cleaning the print bed. I use 70% isopropyl alcohol, though Prusa recommends 90+%. Paper towels/wipes to go with the alcohol. Might have some trouble acquiring either one!

There will occasionally be some bit of PETG that sticks and is so small that it can't be removed by bending the sheet, so I find these plastic scraper blades useful for removing them (and, even, ordinary purge lines and skirts) without getting my fingers on the bed or scratching it. But do remember to let the sheet cool before removal — it makes a big difference between ripping things off and gently prying them up. (Try removing the sheet from the printer for faster cooling!)

I use a brass wire brush to clean stray plastic off the outside of the nozzle while it's hot — this isn't strictly necessary but I find it reduces the number of ugly black burnt filament bits that fall into my prints, especially with PETG.

The above and a pair of blunt (not needle point) tweezers, for pulling ooze off the nozzle and picking up stray bits of filament, are everything that sits next to my printer.

Postato : 02/04/2020 3:22 am
KP e hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
RE: i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?

Also make sure to order the powder coated sheet, since you'll be printing PETG, and consider whether you really want to order a kit instead of an assembled printer (since kit assembly has a risk of needing to wait for new parts in case of an assembly mistake or a defect).

Postato : 02/04/2020 3:29 am
Tu hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?

@kpreid: thanks, very helpful. Right about trouble finding isopropyl alcohol; I've already been searching for it to make hand sanitizer.

Postato : 02/04/2020 3:32 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?
Posted by: @kpreid

Also make sure to order the powder coated sheet, since you'll be printing PETG, and consider whether you really want to order a kit instead of an assembled printer (since kit assembly has a risk of needing to wait for new parts in case of an assembly mistake or a defect).

Ah, good to know that PETG requires the powder coated sheet, didn't know that. And about risk of delay with kit. Thanks again.

Postato : 02/04/2020 3:52 am
RE: i3 MK3S kit: anything else I need to buy?

It is not necessary to have ISO propyl alcohol for hot bed cleaning, warm water and disk wash will do a very good cleaning. I am turning away from alcohol as it some times has a hard time removing the finger grease from the build plate.
Remember to dry it right after wash to avoid rust from forming - and only touch the edges when handling.

I print a lot of PETG on the smooth PEI build plate - no problem. Just wipe it with windows cleaner (any cheap brand) before each print. The cleaner will form a thin layer (soap) that prevents the PETG part from sticking too much. Use the same method with TPU prints.

I made this "sponge holder box" to make it easier to apply windows cleaner between each print - found that a melamine sponge is the best 🙂 


Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 03/04/2020 3:57 pm