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How to improve surfaces and wrong size  

How to improve surfaces and wrong size

Dear all,

I have recently started printing with an i3 MK3. Unfortunately, I keep having problems, such as a ruined surface after removing the support parts.
I hope it's ok if I post one object here and ask for help. First of all this object should be a bit bigger (2-3 mm), one side is completely destroyed by removing the supports and the very top surface is ugly. (The little wholes are put there intentionally, but came out too small)
If anyone could tell me what I could change or what I need to check, I would be very grateful! I have already found the "Extruder Calibration" which I plan to try tomorrow. I printed with 210°, because I had some stringing before. At least this is not the case with this print.

Thanks everyone and have a nice day / evening!

Silky shiny PLA surface on the sides, but not on the front face: 

surface destroyed after removing the support:

PrusaSlicer Gcode settings:


Napsal : 26/03/2024 10:37 pm
Famed Member
RE: How to improve surfaces and wrong size

I would try to print it standing upright. I'm not a huge fan of organic supports but for this case they might work well.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 27/03/2024 11:35 am
gindo se líbí
Noble Member

Difficult - supports will always leave marks on the surface, sometimes postprocessing helps but the shiny look of the silk PLA will not survive that.

As fuchsr proposed, try to change orientation and perhaps try organic supports but the bottom surface will always be less shiny compared to the upper one.

I would consider making all surfaces upper ones by cutting the thing in half and printing it on the cut surfaces and glue it together afterwards. Perhaps throw in two pins for alignment... 


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Napsal : 27/03/2024 1:03 pm
gindo se líbí
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to improve surfaces and wrong size

Thank you very much @robin @fuchsr!

I cut it in half, it worked already quite well. Next step I will try out organic support.
For now I still wonder, why the biggest face in the front (the red part in the PrusaSlicer Screenshot) is not smooth but the other faces are. Do you have any idea? I already checked the orientation in Blender, it's facing outside.

Thank you and have a great day!

Napsal : 28/03/2024 8:04 am