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Home Position Change.  

Buckeye Slicer
Eminent Member
Home Position Change.

I just finished building my new MK3s and having all sorts of problems. First, IR sensor worked for autoloading filiament for the first run and test. Next morning I decided to change filament color, and ejected first filament with no problem, went to reload new color and autoload would not work. Did nothing when asked to insert filament and press button. Was told take apart and trim some plastic from the lever with magnet and ball, inside extruder assembly.  Did not want to tear that all apart, and found out that you can turn off the IR sensor, even though that defeats the purpose of buying a very expensive priner.

Next layers were shifting, and got that fixed, but noticed that home had been bed all the way to the back, and extruder parked at front left of bed.  Now bed in home position was half way back and extruder all the way to left.  Thought that I would recalibrate xyz, and started program from that point, and tried to check the bed , went back and had to shut off quickly because it was trying to do the 9 point check and went to far back.

I don't know what is going on here, but not the excellent product that I was led to believe.

Oh yea, and last night turned on and monitor was showing all kinds of egyptian or russian look characters on the screen, and had to reboot.

Getting very discouraged. Three days in a row of nothing but trouble.

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2019 1:14 am
Reputable Member
RE: Home Position Change.

For the filament sensor, ensure it is still actually enabled via the menu. I have been having issues with the hieroglyphics on the display also recently which caused my filament sensor to be set as disabled.

For the Home calibration I would just run a full factory reset, but also which firmware are you running - it may be worth updating to latest in any case?


Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2019 11:35 am
Buckeye Slicer
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Home Position Change.

Got it fixed, thanks

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2019 8:24 am