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Help with first PETG Print  

New Member
Help with first PETG Print

Hi, I am new to 3D printing, assembled the MK3S+, and can print PLA with no problem. I started my first real print using Overture PETG in digital blue and it has been interesting trying to figure out. Initially, I had a ruined first layer which I thought was from an incorrect Z height or bad bed level but that turned out not to be the case. With the bubbling sound and burning smell, I suspected temperature and lowered it down to 220 C which is below typical spec for PETG. But it printed fine. The second print turned out ok but I noticed this mid layer (see picture). Can this be a result of bad filament? So strange to have a melted and stringy section halfway through the print. I did a temp tower test and picture is posted below. 

Publié : 10/10/2022 2:02 am
Reputable Member
RE: Help with first PETG Print

I have printed several items with that exact filament (including the color) using the default generic PETG temperature settings in PS and had no issues.  PETG does string a bit more compared to PLA.
Publié : 10/10/2022 3:43 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help with first PETG Print

That's why I chose that brand. Unless my nozzle thermometer is off, makes me wonder if they mislabeled my roll as PETG when it is really PLA lol

Publié : 10/10/2022 5:05 am
Active Member
RE: Help with first PETG Print

Found this after posting about the same kind of problem -

Very interesting insight re: temperature tower. There's obvious 'fuzziness' at and above ~235C.


Publié : 11/10/2022 10:12 am
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