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Flex worked yesterday but won't today  

New Member
Flex worked yesterday but won't today

Using MK3S and MMU2S.

Printed with TPU yesterday. It was a successful print, but a little bit sloppy. I had no issues with the flex filament at all.

Today I thought I would try to clean up the print a little so I dried the filament, like I've done before. 45 minutes at 65C. Put the filament in the printer and it won't load to the nozzle. MMU loads it okay but it won't make it past the gears. I've tried varying ranges of extruder pressure with no success. It's not making a mess in the extruder so I'm thinking that the MMU has lost its grip on the drier filament and can't push it far enough for the extruder gears to grab it. I can't see clearly what's going on or I would maybe have more insight. Does it sounds plausible that the MMU has enough bite to load it to the up to the extruder but not into it far enough? Is there a way to vary the extruder gear pressure? (I did not build this MMU so I'm not as sure about its internal as I am the printer, but it has been working fine with TPU until I dried it.)

Thoughts? Thanks!

Napsal : 10/04/2020 5:41 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Flex worked yesterday but won't today

I don't have any flex-specific advice (I've used nGen Flex in one single-material print since getting the MMU) but:

 Is there a way to vary the extruder gear pressure?

  • To adjust the extruder pressure, turn the screw on the left side of the extruder, above the hotend cooling fan.
  • To adjust the MMU pressure, turn the two screws on the top half of the MMU, that are to the left and right of where the buttons and lights are. (If you unscrew these screws, the MMU will fold open in case you need to clean it out.)
Napsal : 11/04/2020 12:20 am
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