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RE: FlasAir
Posted by: chocki

Are you by any chance using a MAC or linux machine?, because with Windows 10 I could not get this to work without specifying a directory in UPDIR.

Trying UPDIR=/   just caused unable to connect or write errors or something like that (It was a while ago now, so can't fully remember).

From reading many posts about this, I also remember that on the 03 version UPDIR=/ would work, but not so with this 04 version, but as to whether this is a windows problem or flashair problem, I do not know.

For anyone trying to get their card working, if UPDIR=/ works, then great, if not, try a directory path.

No I am using a Windows 7 machine.  I just browsed to the card root using file explorer and then mapped it from there.

One thing you do have to be VERY careful with though is the characters you use for your actual file names.  It seems webdav on Windows at least does not like alot of the special characters.  I now stick to alphanumerics and underscores.  If I forget and use something like a % in a file name then it messes up reading the card.  I then have to pop it out of the printer and back into my pc to rename the file.  That's a limitation of windows it seems though (or webdav as it may be related to the special characters used in html).

Opublikowany : 09/05/2019 6:26 am
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