Extruder blob buildup has pulled out thermistor red wire and can't preheat head to clean blob
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Extruder blob buildup has pulled out thermistor red wire and can't preheat head to clean blob  

New Member
Extruder blob buildup has pulled out thermistor red wire and can't preheat head to clean blob

Well.....I have always known that blobs happen.  I let a print start and watched the first 3-4 layers adhere and look good and went off to work.  Came home to the most comical (just about cried it is so nasty looking) blob issue.

It formed enough of a blob to push the build plate off the heat bed and now is completely encompassing the nozzle and all accompanying wires.  It either pulled out or melted off the red thermistor cable.  Due to this it is now showing a MINTEMP error and not letting me get to the preheat screen to try to rectify this issue.

I have been reading all the article that discuss heating the extruder/nozzle, removing said blob, and cleaning accordingly.  With the detached thermistor wire that I can't find the end to try a temp connection, what are my options?

Is there a way to jumper the thermistor to try and get the nozzle heated so I can at least attempt saving components?

I will post pictures shortly.


Postato : 24/09/2021 1:43 am
Honorable Member

You can't "simulate" thermistor being connected by jumping these two thermistor wires. For explanation: at room temperature, this thermistor has resistance of 100kOhm (I think) and if you jump both wires, there's zero resistance -printer will probably refuse to work by showing error.

The only solution I see is, to get new thermistor. Still, if blob is big & ugly, I would first disassemble the hotend and clean heatblock with hotgun (or gas torch) and brass brush.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 24/09/2021 7:00 am
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
Hope it was PLA

Time for the heat gun brother.

Postato : 24/09/2021 9:56 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

LOL....luckily it was.  My next schedule print is going to be PETG for a RC plane my boys and I are starting to print soon.  Lucked out there.

Postato : 24/09/2021 1:31 pm