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Electric Box Grinding  

New Member
Electric Box Grinding


I am having an issue where the wires grouped at the electric box are causing the Einsy base to flex/grind against the door. Additionally, this caused my plastic sleeve to work its way out of the enclosure and my hot end cables have been rubbed down, removing the red casing. I have since pushed the sleeve back in, but the grinding/flexing continues and makes a bad creaking noise.

How can I correct this issue? Also, how should I address the hotend cable issue?

Here is a video of what I am seeing/hearing.

Thanks for any input.

I should add: If I loosen the screw holding the door the creaking is gone, but there is still quite a bit of flex on the Einsy base during movement and my sleeve/cables continue to work their way out.

Napsal : 07/05/2018 10:38 am
Estimable Member
Re: Electric Box Grinding

When I assembled my kit, I understood the instructions to say that the nylon filament should be wrapped inside the spiral wrap right up until it inserts into the slot in the electronics box. Step 27 in the instructions (second picture):

Yours appears to be outside the spiral wrap up as far as I can see? Don't know that it would cause your problem, though.

If you have insulation rubbed off the wires, at the very least I would wrap each wire with electrical tape to cover any bare wires.

Napsal : 07/05/2018 1:38 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Electric Box Grinding

Thanks for your help. This is how my cables looked last night.

I did wrap them in electrical tape and re-wrapped the filament down and pushed it back down in to the enclosure. Now it looks like this. I hope it holds and stays in there.

Napsal : 07/05/2018 10:49 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Electric Box Grinding

I had this same problem... I re-adjusted everything, and zip-tied it tighter... and err... The problem is gone.

And lucky for me, it didn't wear all the way through any of the wires. 😈

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Napsal : 08/05/2018 1:24 am
Trusted Member
Re: Electric Box Grinding

This part has been dramatically improved in the MK2.5 and I assumed that it is also better in the MK3 but maybe not. At any rate, I had the same problem in my MK2s and I designed a very simple part to help secure these cables.

Napsal : 08/05/2018 3:03 am