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Don't support bridges not working
Just ran into an issue w/ the "don't support bridges" option. I have a large internal bridge area I'd like supported, so I turned off "don't support bridges" but v2.0.0 doesn't create supports. Just to check, I used 1.41.2, and it does create supports. Exact same settings between the two.
Veröffentlicht : 15/06/2019 7:04 pm
RE: Don't support bridges not working
What is that first layer inside the part that looks like a raft?
That question aside, supports are is working as expected for me.
Except in my case it is the opposite: I can't disable the support. lol.
Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 6 years von --
Veröffentlicht : 15/06/2019 7:51 pm
RE: Don't support bridges not working
Discovered why it seemed the feature was not working on my part, there are components inside that are not bridges and they require supports. Here's the bridging showing supports ...
Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 6 years 3 mal von --
Veröffentlicht : 15/06/2019 7:59 pm