Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?
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Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?  

Noble Member
Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?

For sure, slic3r and simplify3D don't offer it. However, there must be at least 20 other slicers out there. Anyone here know?

Napsal : 31/05/2018 2:22 am
Active Member
Re: Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?

In slic3r you can select a part you are printing and go to settings (on the pop-up menu or toolbar). In the dialog box you can then click load generic and add a slab of an appropriate height. Select the resulting lambda-slab and click the green plus button below it. Select top/bottom fill pattern from the drop-down.

I've used this to make for example the bottom layer concentric and the top layer rectilinear.

Napsal : 31/05/2018 2:58 am
Estimable Member
Re: Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?

Simplifed3D can do it.

Just setup a process for layer 1 and and a seperate process for the other layers.

Napsal : 31/05/2018 5:45 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Does there exist a slicer that will let me pick a different infill pattern for layer 1?

I've used this to make for example the bottom layer concentric and the top layer rectilinear.

Thanks! That is exactly what I want to do, and probably for the same reasons too.

Napsal : 31/05/2018 6:31 am