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Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE  

New Member
Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE

I have a model for a phone case meant to be printed with flexible filament. I'm using NinjaFlex to do the job, but i'm getting a lot of stringing. I've adjusted the settings to minimize it, but a little always comes out. I don't mind aesthetically, but the little blobs and strings on the inside of the case prevent my phone from fitting properly. Is there a way to configure a space in Slic3r to be a sort of "no travel zone" that will stop travel paths from being generated in that space? If not, is there a tool I can use to manually edit the travel paths in the G-code post-generation?

Veröffentlicht : 30/04/2019 10:06 pm
RE: Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE

Have you tied enabling "Avoid crossing perimiters"?

Don't know how it works for hollow items but in solid prints it keeps the head inside the infill area as much as possible.

Veröffentlicht : 30/04/2019 11:55 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE

I have that enabled. My issue is that when it's printing the layers that include the holes for earbuds, charging, and speaker, it will travel through the middle of the space to get to the next segment it's printing. Here is a screenshot (cross section of the G-code, travel paths shown in blue). They're all throughout the inside faces of the print, and the little bit of ooze and stringing they cause still leaves a rough bumpy surface even when cut off. I'd like a way to make all those lines travel through the infill areas and around the outside of the print if possible.

Veröffentlicht : 01/05/2019 1:47 am
Trusted Member
RE: Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE
Posted by: Jordan in CT

I have that enabled. My issue is that when it's printing the layers that include the holes for earbuds, charging, and speaker, it will travel through the middle of the space to get to the next segment it's printing. Here is a screenshot (cross section of the G-code, travel paths shown in blue). They're all throughout the inside faces of the print, and the little bit of ooze and stringing they cause still leaves a rough bumpy surface even when cut off. I'd like a way to make all those lines travel through the infill areas and around the outside of the print if possible.

Your problem is that it is impossible to print that object without crossing any perimeters, once the holes start printing there are islands of material created that don't connect to anything else with a perimeter on that layer. Your best bet is to get a really sharp knife and trim the little bits off when it finishes printing.

Veröffentlicht : 02/05/2019 7:32 am
RE: Creating a "no travel zone" in Slic3r PE

Also, dry your filament. The more moisture TPU absorbs the worse it strings.

Veröffentlicht : 02/05/2019 11:52 am