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Are you happy with your MK3?  

Strona 1 / 9
Active Member
Are you happy with your MK3?

Are you happy with your MK3?

(Not asking about other, MK2/MK2S. If you don't have a MK3 do not vote).

I have a MK3 on order but after reading the forums I'm starting to get cold feet. Thinking about swaping to MK2S. But first I want to know if MK3 owners are satisfied or not.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 1:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

The poll isn't working for me but I would vote Yes!

I went through a roller coaster of thoughts during my 3 month wait. Once people started having PSU failures I even canceled my ordered for an MK2S but switched it back.

You have to remember what this is, it's a kit 3d printer comprised of a ton of small parts. There's always going to be a chance of failure but the support is great.

I have a friend who has an MK3 and had a few issues with his einsy and hotend. It took a few days but Prusa sent him a brand new einsy and hotend. He print arsenal is comprised of a Taz 6,Taz Mini, Raise N2, and a Robo R2. He really enjoys the MK3 and one of his preferred printer. To save you hassle on researching all of those other printers, the MK3 is the cheapest of the bunch.

All being said, you have to be prepared to tinker. It's a part of the experience.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 2:48 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

When My Mk3 is working, I love it.

it's not working now, and because I can't sent a video showing how it's not working, support are unhelpful.
my Mk2 MMU is also not working because I can't send Prusa a video!

it appears that Prusa support has become conditional on having a video camera.

I am not happy...
which is a shame, because I have invested a lot of money in the Prusa product line!

waiting for a respnose from [email protected] as the echat has let me down.


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 3:11 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

The poll is not working for me but I am happy with my printer but this is my first 3D printer so I do not have anything to compare it to.

I have replaced the y axis printed parts and replaced the bearings/rods with Mimusi

I am not happy with how the powder coated spring steel plate has been handled. I keep hearing it is not Prusua's fault for this and it is the supplier.
One step of the pre-production trials should be supply-chain verification.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 3:22 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

When My Mk3 is working, I love it.

it's not working now, and because I can't sent a video showing how it's not working, support are unhelpful.
my Mk2 MMU is also not working because I can't send Prusa a video!

it appears that Prusa support has become conditional on having a video camera.

I am not happy...
which is a shame, because I have invested a lot of money in the Prusa product line!

waiting for a respnose from [email protected] as the echat has let me down.


That sounds like a policy shift for the worse 🙁

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 3:34 pm
Craig Walker
New Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

Yes - its an amazing printer. I've had for a week now and its been printing flawlessly every day. The build was challenging but ultimately enjoyable. This is a hobby for me, my last printer was a delta style and I spent 70% of my time fixing it - so its a real joy just to hit the print button and walk away with confidence.

Would recommend to anyone that is interested in 3D printing and isn't afraid to do some minor tweaking from time to time.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 3:37 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

No, I'm not happy.

When it is working "properly", the following features do not work:
[*]Linear Advance
[*]Filament sensor (disabled due to far too many false errors)
[*]Printer seems to eventually require a factory reset due to not being able to complete pre-print bed calibration after "n" hours printing.
[*]Have to find a good value for Live Z every time the printer is used for the first time that day.

Things I have had to do partial rebuilds for (it worked fine for a short time after original assembly):
[*]Prusa sent wrong rods with early kits, mine were affected, so had to rebuild the kit (more or less)
[*]Filament sensor failed, overheated and melted the printed extruder housing
[*]Print fan failed (Prusa didn't replace this, but let me buy one...)
[*]Pinda failed
[*]Hot end thermister wires failed.
[*]Replaced the spiral wrap as recommended by Jo

And separately:
[*]Repace printed parts with new revision. I'm undecided to count this against Prusa, but if Jo is going to come on the forums and tell us that something is not a problem in a defence of the printer, why would these revised parts address that... err... non-issue? So I'm counting this more of a "hostile attitude" problem than the parts getting replaced and upgraded (which is a good thing).
[*]I was not granted access to be able to buy Mk3 parts from the web shop.
[*]In anger after one of the above failures, I pulled a print off the bed and tore the PEI sheet... only to discover later that replacement beds, PEI sheets and the mythical powder coated variants are now all totally unavailable... great.

In summary: I'm using a slightly hobbled Mk3, where advertised features are missing or disabled, that requires occasional nuking of all settings to run a 15 minute setup. I have to constantly mess with Live Z because of well documented bugs, so I've practically given up on dialling in a perfect layer 1 - not because it's impossible, but because it needs to be done daily.

I expected all the smart features to be ushering a new age of ease-of-use (as advertised and lauded in all the reviews), which makes all the above rather more disappointing as I have owned a Delta for 5 years which has been less hassle than the Mk3 has been over 5 months. Support have generally been good to me, but man have I spoken to them more than I ever want to...

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 4:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

When I got my DIY KIT MK3 in january I had no experience in 3d Printing, I assembled it with no problems and without test failure.
I am very happy with it, I have no real problems except first layer appearance, but I print mostly in PETG, with PLA I get nearly perfect first layer.
Nothing is perfect... For sure the MK3 could be improved, I think it's a matter of time, and I understand you have to be patient if you choose Prusa. 😉 😉 😉

MK4/MMU3 - VORON 2.4 350 Stealthburner

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 4:35 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

Aside from the fact that polls don't seem to work in these forums, what sort of response do you think you will get, asking in a support forum?

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 4:39 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

Got my kit at the end of Feb, built it and did the initial calibrations and everything passed correctly. Took about half a day just tweaking S3D profiles to work nicely with the PETG brand I have and its been printing about 20 hours a day since then without issue. I turned off filament sensor and crash detection because they're kind of pointless IMO if you monitor things and reading others have had issues. Hasn't affected anything for me.

Issues resolved:
The first week I got a layer shift in the X axis and had to tighten the belt

That's actually it so far, its printed like a gem.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 5:50 pm
Active Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

(poll not working)
yes, very happy so far but also hoping that PR can resolve some issues and implement all promised features in good working order. I'm still confident they/we will get there!

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 7:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

I stumbled onto one of my old Monoprice Mini Delta ($150 printer) prints the other day, and while it had no dimensional accuracy to speak of, it absolutely destroyed the MK3 in print quality. The MK3 inconsistent extrusion alone is enough to make it not worth buying, not to mention all the other issues.

Bottom line with the MK3 is that it's a machine with a lot of potential that was released way too early by a company that cared more about their bottom line than their customer experience. They advertised it with these badass features before they knew they could deliver, got scared the PR blitz they had was going to die off, and pushed it out the door with known issues. Then if that wasn't bad enough, after these issues came to light they are still advertising this thing and having youtubers promote it like it's god's gift to the 3d printing community and "had some issues that a firmware update fixed". They know this printer sucks and they are trying to make as much as they can off of it before it becomes common knowledge. Their forum presence vs PR presence alone makes this pretty obvious.

I have confidence the open source community will make it into something worth using, eventually, providing Prusa doesn't drop an MK3S on us and make all interest in this trainwreck fall off. Zero confidence in Prusa as a company now though and won't be purchasing another.

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 7:19 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

I stumbled onto one of my old Monoprice Mini Delta ($150 printer) prints the other day, and while it had no dimensional accuracy to speak of, it absolutely destroyed the MK3 in print quality. The MK3 inconsistent extrusion alone is enough to make it not worth buying, not to mention all the other issues.

Bottom line with the MK3 is that it's a machine with a lot of potential that was released way too early by a company that cared more about their bottom line than their customer experience. They advertised it with these badass features before they knew they could deliver, got scared the PR blitz they had was going to die off, and pushed it out the door with known issues. Then if that wasn't bad enough, after these issues came to light they are still advertising this thing and having youtubers promote it like it's god's gift to the 3d printing community and "had some issues that a firmware update fixed". They know this printer sucks and they are trying to make as much as they can off of it before it becomes common knowledge. Their forum presence vs PR presence alone makes this pretty obvious.

I have confidence the open source community will make it into something worth using, eventually, providing Prusa doesn't drop an MK3S on us and make all interest in this trainwreck fall off. Zero confidence in Prusa as a company now though and won't be purchasing another.

+1 unfortunately.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 7:56 pm
Peder Bonde
Active Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

I am not regretting my purchase.
The only issue i had is that is that i all of a sudden didnt get addhesion. After i recalibrated it worked again.

Have got to mention this is My first printer. The print quality seems Good to me. But i have nothing to compare with.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 8:12 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

My Mk3 is my go to printer. I like it far more than my MK2. The main reason is that (for me) print quality is the same or better but doesn't cut me when I try to remove parts from the bed. Just yesterday I stabbed my thumb with a spatula and scraped my middle finger knuckle on the bed (all in 1 swift move).

I have been printing a lot of flexible filament for local drone guys locally and its a fantastic printer for Ninjaflex and Cheetah (switched to Cheetah for the print speed). This printer has made me want to experiment with other materials other than PETG/PLA as well. I have been printing nylon now and the prints come out better than on the MK2. I purchased a Pi Zero W that I'm sticking it in now (and updating the rods that were replaced for free). If it doesn't work out well, I can just remove it and switch to a Pi 3 B+ and use the USB. I use a Pi 3 B with my MK2 and am very familiar/happy with Octoprint.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 8:52 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

When My Mk3 is working, I love it.

it's not working now, and because I can't sent a video showing how it's not working, support are unhelpful.
my Mk2 MMU is also not working because I can't send Prusa a video!

it appears that Prusa support has become conditional on having a video camera.

I am not happy...
which is a shame, because I have invested a lot of money in the Prusa product line!

waiting for a respnose from [email protected] as the echat has let me down.


Hi Joan, this isn't a new policy. When I got my MK2, my P.I.N.D.A probe was bad. I had to take video to show them what was happening to get my replacement (which came quick and free). I just used my cell phone camera and loaded it up to Youtube and sent them the link.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 8:54 pm
P. Larsen
Trusted Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

Absolutely happy! The quality of the system, the features and the support I received during the build were far above any other experience I've had with 3D printer systems. That said, I don't expect anything to be perfect and there are a few hickups in my experience - but just that, hickups:

* Long LONG long - did I say LONG? - wait to get the Printer. Still did not get the heated bed I wanted but I like that the printer was finally shipped regardless of those issues.
* Best darn assembly instructions I've ever seen! Still a few areas were "odd", and I didn't initially find the spare bag so I thought I was in trouble early on (I now have a whole spare bag of M3 square nuts because I panicked). I've had to "hack" the hookup of the filament cooler fan, and exactly where to put the cables weren't clear (to me) as you tightened them - and the result was several adjustments to allow the X carriage to fully extend.
* Z Calibration is a failure on my system - I did manual calibration of Z and my prints are the best I've ever done, so not a deal breaker. Issue: When Z calibration is done, the carriage is moved ALL the way to the top and a bit beyond. This puts the left and right side of the Z axis slightly out of alignment and the calibration looses contact with the bed on the far right side because of that.
* Broke the filament fan printed part by tightening the screw too much. It was working enough for me to print a replacement and all is good 🙂
* Haven't tested (successfully) all the advanced features (yet). Power failure recovery doesn't seem to be working, but changing filament during prints is a breeze.
* Had to apply a bit of grease on the X axis rods - they squeaked on slow movements. No biggie.
* Printer need some LED lights - on my to-do list. It will help light up the work area to spot issues before the print goes too far.
* Spool holder needs some work (most of my old rolls don't even fit on it). Again, minor issue.

This printer is SO easy to use it's almost a crime! My prior printers have to be fully calibrated after almost much every print. MK3 just need a clean wipe with some cleaning alcohol!

I'm definitely upgrading to multi-color feeds once that's available.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 9:40 pm
hairy jaws
Active Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

Hi a positive yes from me one issue but no deal breaker.
i have had my new mk3 printer kit for three days now, i had a four month wait but is worth it i think. it gave me more time to learn about the printer and i am absolutely thrilled with it, i seem to have a faulty filament sensor i spoke to chat and sent in an email with pictures of the wiring and error message and i just have to wait on a reply now and a new part so a part from that the printer is knocking out standing quality prints.
In my opinion if any one is having second thoughts about getting one don't.
My only experience that would put anyone off getting one is getting the first layer height correct and getting the filament to stick to the bed. but i will say this you get better the more you do it and the best advice i can offer is ensure that the plate is clean i have found that a wipe with soapy water then the isopropyl alcohol works great.
for any newbies or people having second thoughts after spending time reading the posts in the forums thinking about getting a 3d printer don't get one if you have no patience or don't like tinkering with things and do your research first there is a lot to learn. sure there is a lot of posts from people with problems with there printer but that is part of the point of the forums for everyone to help each other out. you do hardly hear about all the printers working properly but i have one that is working great so far.
it took me nine hours to assemble the kit, i took my time and followed the great instructions provided, doing so i got perpendicular and i am not suffering from any kind of layer shifts, ghosting or weird vibrations.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 10:01 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

I am absolutely in love with my mk3.

Although honestly, it's not much of a mk3 anymore, besides the frame and electronics and firmware...

This is a picture of the print quality running PLA. I am running a complete redesign of the extruder assembly by JLTX. (It's in alpha still, and not all the fits are quite right... yet)

Next we have a picture of Marvin printed in ABS, before my extruder upgrade.

There are issues with the printer's software, but those are fixable I think. My only concern is the direct drive extruder system.
PS: click the images to see them in their full resolution glory.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 10:14 pm
New Member
Re: Are you happy with your MK3?

When it worked for 1 hour was great.But sadly it broke down only owned my mk3 for less week and been sent back for repair.Customer service on the website not that great.Better off emailing them give you better help.I am hoping they can fix it send it back to me quick but we will see.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2018 10:44 pm
Strona 1 / 9