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Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?  

Active Member
Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

I've been printing exclusively with ASA filament lately and noticed regular print failures. Each has been solved with a recalibration of the first layer height.  I thought this strange, but there were some ambient temperature changes in the room and I figured that might be a contributing factor. Yesterday I had two successful 7hr prints in a row and decided to launch a 3rd over night. Came in to a failed print and noticed the Pinda clamp was deflected about 10 degrees. Clearly the effect of sustained printing with high nozzle temperatures. Failures are due to lack of bed adhesion... not filament jams. I guess I'm looking at a teardown and repair, assuming I can get it stable enough to print a new part with ASA.

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2019 9:12 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

Yes.  I print a lot of ABS in a heated chamber and the effect was quite pronounced early on.  I've reprinted the whole extruder in ABS, and recommend using PC or other very high temperature material for the part cooling shroud - the materials that heat the hotend the most unfortunately don't actually use any airflow for the part, so even an ABS part cooling shroud will melt, sag, and collide with the part.

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2019 9:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

This is a pretty well known issue, particularly on the MK3S (apparently less common on the MK3 due to slightly different design).  Make sure you get the latest version (think they are R5) from Prusa and reprint as suggested in a higher temp material.   I went with PC myself after I had bad sagging.  By the way, some folks claim not to see the issue.  I think how likely you are to get sagging is to some degree dependent upon the types of things you are printing.  If you print mostly things with small footprints on the build plate (no matter how high) then the probe gets away from the higher reflected heat from the build plate and heater block more quickly.  If you print things with a lot of surface on the build plate then the support part spend a lot of time very close to the hot bed and close to where the nozzle heat gets reflected up to the mount and I think this exacerbates the issue.

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2019 11:41 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

Thanks guys, that's kind of what I figured. I'm doing a new part in ASA and after that will do a print with Priline PC-CF. Unfortunately I haven't found glass transition temperature on the Priline PC-CF filament. Comments I've seen online suggest it's actually a PC-ABS blend.

Veröffentlicht : 01/12/2019 9:11 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

Rebuilt the extruder with the R5 parts printed with Priline PC-CF. The original ASA print failed when a couple of corners lifted. I'm printing the ASA parts again and hopefully the new PC-CF parts gave me a better/consistent first Z layer cal.

Something still feels off though... where are my Haribo gummies that I earned?

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2019 9:47 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

I'm trying annealed HTPLA-CF because I've noticed a very slight droop in my Pinda and wanted to catch this before it got worse (I ordered my MK3S upgrade early enough that I have the R4 equivalent Prusa prints). The hottest I print is (ironically) the HTPLA at 245°C. I'm also going to replace the Prusa heatbreak when I swap to the R5 parts, so hopefully I'll be able to print HTPLA at normal PLA temperatures... Then the hottest will be PETG (no enclosure, no current plans for an enclosure yet).

Part are printed and annealed, I have the replacement hot end bits (saved a bundle with the PrintedSolid black friday sale on the E3D parts so went with the titanium heatbreak and the plated copper heater block). I just haven't had time to tear-down and rebuild my extruder yet.

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Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2019 10:37 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

In looking over some printed parts, I noticed that the top and bottom of any circular profile were flattened. The parts still worked for my need but it kept bothering me. So, while I was doing a bit of prep for a new enclosure (removing the power supply from the Prusa frame, to keep it in a lower temp zone) I checked Y axis belt tension... definite slacking since the install. It may, or may not, be related to the higher temp printing, but I tightened it up anyway.

What's the word from the Prusa community on GT2 steel reinforced belts? I have some 9mm that I'm installing on the Shapeoko and was wondering if it's a worthwhile effort to get 6mm for the Prusa.


Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2019 5:34 pm
New Member
RE: Anyone else experiencing Pinda mount sagging?

I have had the same issue and have melted 3 of these reinforced PINDA (R5) holders. I'm starting to worry about finding a solution.

Right now my CR10 is my savoir.

Is the right path to get the BondTech upgrade or is there another solution for this problem.

I loved my MK3 before the MK3S upgrade. 🙁

Veröffentlicht : 26/04/2020 10:45 am