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3D printer resume after failure success stories  

New Member
3D printer resume after failure success stories


I'm new to this forum and generally quite a cynical person in general (but I love 3d printing and CNC technology). So wanted to pose this somewhat rude question to the community... How many people have benefited from the resume after power failure functionality in the various 3D printers out there (please provide pictures of when the print restarted, what the print looked like as a whole, and any obvious imperfections caused by the power failure where possible, along with the duration of the power outage)? Personally I can never claim to have had complete success where a print has stopped unintentionally and has restarted successfully (although this is a somewhat rare occurrence).

The intent of this is to learn what others are doing to improve the quality of their prints in general across several brands of 3d printer (including Prusa).

Thanks in advance,


Opublikowany : 13/09/2019 12:21 am
Prominent Member
RE: 3D printer resume after failure success stories

I've had the power fail feature save a print. I was having problems with my internet connection and it finally came down to my power cycling all my main network devices. They are all plugged into the same power strip so I turned off the power strip. My printer behind me beeped, reminding me that the printer is plugged into the same power strip. Turning the power strip back on, my printer recovered while I watched it (and my network infrastructure booted up). So far, that was my only power outage at the printer while printing, and it saved my print. Granted, it was off less than a minute so the heated bed didn't cool off significantly so I wasn't risking detachment from the bed.

(The irony of the issue was I soon discovered my internet issues were due to a local internet blackout... All my troubleshooting and power cycling of network equipment was unnecessary.)

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Opublikowany : 13/09/2019 12:21 pm
Automatic MFG
RE: 3D printer resume after failure success stories

After first assembling my MK3S I ran through the calibration files and naturally, the first job I decided to run was a 20 hour print.
The print was going great the next morning and my son came down to take a look. He was very excited about the new machine, the print and he wanted to show it all to his toy car.
All this seemed fine and innocent, my young son explaining what was happening to his toy was endearing. Distracted for a moment, I turned my head and heard a startlingly loud BANG!
I jerked my head back to find a small car firmly wedged in the Y axis. The print had stopped and I was feeling happy he hadn't been hurt, and a bit angry that a long print was ruined so close to completion. Seconds later, all axes started moving and the machine appeared to be re-homing. I had never seen this before and didn't actually know anything about crash detection or that it was included on this machine. I was floored when the machine went back to its last position and finished the print without even a visible flaw.

I work with machines costing many, many times the cost of the MK3S and NONE of them can recover from, well anything...

The features found in the MK3S are amazing, and to find a machine at this price-point that works as well as it does, is surely why Prusa has such a good reputation. Last I checked the same machine has over 2k hours of build time and I regularly run 48 hour jobs without giving it a second thought.

Opublikowany : 17/09/2019 11:32 am
Eminent Member
RE: 3D printer resume after failure success stories

I had my first major power issue after having the MK3S for only 5 days. The power went out in my neighborhood, a tree fell on the wires. The power was out for 3 and half hours. When it came back on, there was a nice little message on the display saying power blackout detected, resume print? Yes - No. I chose Yes and the print continued and finished nicely. I was quite impressed. 

Opublikowany : 17/09/2019 3:42 pm