3.13.3 - Issue with filament loading to extruder
I had held off updating firmware on MK3S and MMU2 since i had so many issues with 3.13.1. I immediately had an issue with idler not going home. I changed sensitivity and it fixed that issue. Now im having an issue with the filament going to extruder. It just keeps going back and forth from the MMU and doesnt actually start extruding.... any ideas before i go back again to an older release?
RE: 3.13.3 - Issue with filament loading to extruder
check your filament sensor adjustment if it's on the edge of the acceptable range you may be getting false triggering...
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: 3.13.3 - Issue with filament loading to extruder
Okay ill look into that. Newish to the printer and hadnt done that before. Thank you