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Z height  

New Member
Z height

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for another newbie question... But after assembling my mk3 6 weeks ago and tinkering at it pretty hard I am yet to pass the xyz calibration (gets stuck on the 4th point) and when doing the z calibration it leaves way too much of a gap when Z is supposed to be at 0. I feel I have changed the pinda probe to about 1000 different heights and screwed and unscrewed a bunch of suggested bolts to no avail. Sometimes the first layer calibrations look semi OK but the z height is obviously always too high. I also couldn't find where I can manually lower the z height anywhere through the interwebs. Any help about a logical procedure to follow to one day get a print would be much appreciated!!



Napsal : 15/04/2019 6:14 am
Reputable Member
Re: Z height

Is it colliding with the bolts for the heat bed connector?

Napsal : 15/04/2019 9:46 am
Prominent Member
Re: Z height

If you manually move the bed and X unit, the distance between the bed and the nozzle should always be the same. If the distance changes in any corner, it indicates that some component in the frame needs to be adjusted.
It is extremely important that the frame is straight and that it does not tilt. (2. Y-axis assembly, step 10.)

Also make sure that the Y-holder front and back are correctly mounted and that there is no debris in the grooves for Y-axis rods.
And check that the heatbed screws and spacers are where they are going. (7. Heatbed & PSU assembly)
Also, make sure that the X and Y units can move freely and that no cable ties or screws cause problems.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Napsal : 15/04/2019 9:46 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z height

Thanks so much for the replies! I readjusted everything and manually held the z stops against the rails as it was doing the xyz check and it passed. Adjusted the z height during the bed calibration and now it is happily printing a benchy. So happy.

Thanks again!

Napsal : 20/04/2019 4:00 am