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Z Calibration fails constantly. Printer prints too high  

New Member
Z Calibration fails constantly. Printer prints too high

Hello everybody,

I recently had to change a broken thermistor cable and replaced it with a new one. During this process I had to unscrew the heat bed from the printer and reattach it. Ever since this change the printer cannot calibrate Z correctly. I am able to start a print run, but the nozzle stays about one milimeter away from the steel sheet, so that the filament doesn't stick to the surface.

When running the wizard it starts calibrating, both z motors go up the axis all the way. When descending again the nozzle stops directly above the surface of the first calibration point and gives an error message "calibration failed check the axes and run again".

I have tried different methods to solve this problem already. I have adjusted the Pinda Probe the way it is described in the manual (using the zip tie) and have checked whether the Pinda Sensor is working in the support settings. Z motors seem to be working fine. I ran a full factory reset and reinstalled the newest firmware.

It may be worth noting that when I first ran the wizard the nozzle hit the surface pretty hard and I had to abort it. However, I also checked the nozzle and made sure it wasnt broken.

After spending an entire day trying to fix the problem myself I would be really grateful to get some help from more knowledgeable people! So any comment would be really appreciated. 🙁


Napsal : 25/04/2019 6:47 am
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: Z Calibration fails constantly. Printer prints too high

You wrote you adjusted PINDA according to manual. Have you also tried to put it a bid lower?

Napsal : 25/04/2019 11:23 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z Calibration fails constantly. Printer prints too high

Thanks for your reply!

I just tried to adjust the probe manually again and have also done so yesterday. I have adjusted it so that the nozzle stops right before the surface. But the Z Axis wizard stops before touching the first reference point on the heat bed. Then it gives me the error message and aborts the calibration.

It also deviates about 5 mm from the circle on the heat bed, which is the point it should normally hit, right?

Another problem that might be related is that the filament sensor, when switched on, keeps loading and unloading the filament over and over again. I therefore switched the sensor off, but I think that this might be connected to the other problems?


Thanks alot

Napsal : 25/04/2019 12:34 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: Z Calibration fails constantly. Printer prints too high

Try to re-flash the firmware and make the whole calibration again.

What printer model do you have? The "old" optical filament senzor on MK3 and MK2.5 was not detecting correctly some filament colors. New version on MK3S and MK2.5S works much better.

Napsal : 25/04/2019 6:21 pm