Z calibration failed! Check the axis
Hi everyone,
did a search but nothing found.
Doing my XYZ or Z calibration, the printing head goes up, then goes down, and just before touching (or almost) the plate, the software just told me " Calibration failed! Check the axes and run again".
I tried few things, tried to find some informations about this, but nothing found. both Z axis seems to be at same height. When doing the PINDA calibration, it works.
Can someone help ?
Here video and pictures https://youtube.com/shorts/SuKdA5WSoE0
Bondtech printing head.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
The Z-Calibration needs to be done with the steel sheet fitted.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
thanks for your answer.
However I put it back in and still same issue.
For Z calibration it does not require to remove the steel sheet indeed, but when doing the XYZ calibration, it asks me to remove it and place a sheet of paper, but I got the same error message...
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
To be clear: For the X-Y part of the XYZ calibration you use the paper as you indicated but you have to add the steel sheet before proceeding with the Z part of it (I think the display will prompt you to add it).
Is that the sequence you are following?
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
hum. As you can see on this video :
when I do the XYZ calibration, it asks me if the steel sheet is on. I have to say no and place the sheet of paper. But failed when getting close to the bed.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
I think you have a pinda height adjustment problem. Please check the height of the pinda sensor, likely you need to move it a bit closer to the bed. You can measure again if you want, or just move the pinda a skosh closer to the bed and try again. Good luck.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
I was just going to suggest the same thing - the ZIP tie technique in the assembly manual for setting the SuperPINDA height worked well for me. Also verify that the SuperPINDA probe is working - there is a check for that in the printer's menus.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
An even easier check is to watch the red light on top of the pinda sensor, it should be on if the z axis is away from the bed. Use a thin blade like a putty knife or whatever you have and touch the bottom of the sensor. The light will go out if it's working. If the light goes out... it is working, if it doesn't go out it's not wired correctly and needs to be diagnosed. If the light does go out, move it away from the sensor just a bit and the light should come back on. Do this enough times and you can judge the small adjustment range that is needed to make sure the pinda will work during printer operation. Sometimes it is good to have a visual of just how small the adjustment range is for the pinda, and as a result a successful z calibration. I know it surprised me when I had a similar issue with the pinda just slightly out of adjustment range for it to operate.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
Thanks all.
The PINDA is reacting fine.
I re-adjusted it with the zip tie thing and yet still the issue.
Moreover the Autohome is working fine so it means the PINDA indicates the correct Z0.
I think the issue is related to the total traveled distance compared to what it should be.
I guess it could be because of the bond tech extruder I have which has not the same height at all compared to the OEM one. Does someone know how to check what is the supposed value and how to check the measured value ?
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
Oops! I had overlooked the Bondtech statement at the end of your very first post.
Have you flashed the printer with the appropriate Bondtech specific firmware? One of the things that does is adjust Z-Max.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
holy crappry.
I read some stuff about firmware. I had check that and was thinking : everything seems alright. But speaking again about this, I needed to check again properly.
And I just remembered that I did the Prusa last update firmware few months ago : 3.11 and then realized I did not do the Bondtech 3.11 firmware based firmware update...
Now it works !
Firmware issue it was, so unexpected Z travel distance.
Thansk all for your kind support.
RE: Z calibration failed! Check the axis
Got there in the end! Hopefully plain sailing from here...