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Z axis top cover?  

Active Member
Z axis top cover?

I replaced my bearings on the Z axis. Since it has been reassembled I am getting a click/pop sound every once in a while.

I think the motor side jack screw is hitting something during movements. When checking it out I noticed that the jack screws are either side are not captured into the Z axis top cover. If I am remembering correctly the jack screws were captured in the top cover before disassembly. So should the top cover of the Z axis "hold" onto the top of the jack screws? If so, how would I do that since they are not adjustable and the top cover also isn't adjustable? 

Thank you for any help.

Napsal : 05/09/2020 7:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z axis top cover?
Posted by: @oregon9195

I replaced my bearings on the Z axis. Since it has been reassembled I am getting a click/pop sound every once in a while.

I think the motor side jack screw is hitting something during movements. When checking it out I noticed that the jack screws are either side are not captured into the Z axis top cover. If I am remembering correctly the jack screws were captured in the top cover before disassembly. So should the top cover of the Z axis "hold" onto the top of the jack screws? If so, how would I do that since they are not adjustable and the top cover also isn't adjustable? 

Thank you for any help.

Hello and welcome in the Prusaforum!

Did you install the trapezoidal thread nut correctly?

The trapezoidal spindles are not centered in the upper support and run freely. They are centered by the linear bearings and trapezoidal threaded nut.


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 06/09/2020 12:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z axis top cover?

Thank you for the welcome. 

I loosened the trapezoidal nuts a little bit and moved the Z axis a few times and then re-tightened them now they seem to be working great.

The popping noise ended up being an end of a zip tie that I left too long hitting the ENSY board case when it was close to it. I repositioned it and cut the end of the zip tie shorter.

I just thought it was strange that the ends of the lead screws were "floating". Its printing very well though. 


Napsal : 07/09/2020 7:35 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Z axis top cover?


Thanks for the feedback! I am glad that it works now!

Happy printing!

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 07/09/2020 1:30 pm