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Z Axis Calibration Fail  

Kevin Scott
New Member
Z Axis Calibration Fail

I'm sure this topic has been hit on, as I've searched through a few and tried their fixes.Here's my issue just incase I missed another troubleshooting, Because I did the trouble shooting with a Prusa rep via chat and still haven't figured out the issue. 

Sensor didn't trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset.

I cleaned the bed, cleaned the nozzle, cleaned the PINDA, adjusted Pinda according to the Pre-flight check. Done factory resets. Tried new firmware and older firmwares. 

If I bypass the whole calibration process and do the Live Z, it works but is under extruding MASSIVELY.

Everything is aligned and tightended properly.STILL having this error...any advise?

Napsal : 11/04/2023 5:56 pm
Noble Member
RE: Z Axis Calibration Fail

Does it do first layer cal if so can you video it doing it please if it doesn't lower sensor slightly and try again what color pinda do you have and are you using octoprint.sorry for all questions 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 11/04/2023 8:03 pm