Y - Axis Failed Self Test: Wrong Y-Axis Servo Mount (solved)
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Y - Axis Failed Self Test: Wrong Y-Axis Servo Mount (solved)  

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Y - Axis Failed Self Test: Wrong Y-Axis Servo Mount (solved)

I always got a error on the Y-Axis self test on my circa 2021 Mk3S+ but I had managed to get the printer to work just fine. After several years and many hundreds of prints I finally figured out wat was causing the issue. It appears that the wrong Y-Axis servo mount was shipped with my original order. The one that I've been using this whole time looks like this:

This part looked noticeably different from the one depicted in the assembly manual, and has a protrusion which was apparently stopping the Y - Axis short and causing an error message, so I printed a new Y-Axis servo mount from the Prusa parts library and the issue was solved! I doubt that this issue effected that many users but it's aways helpful to go back to the assembly manual to make sure things on your printer look as they should.


Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 1 day par Fourninetysix
Publié : 17/03/2025 4:38 pm
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