XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base
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XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base  

Active Member
XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base

Hello. So I've got a self-assembly kit of Prusa MK3 and I have problem with getting it to work.
No problems with self-checks, but I can't get past XYZ calibration. It ascends to the top to calibrate Z, but then goes down to the bottom and just stops there with "Calibration Error!" message.
I've updated the firmware from 2.4.1 to 2.5.1 with no luck. Printer was packaged at the beginning of January 2019 so I believe it's the most recent version part wise.
I had an issue where during Z calibration it wouldn't go all the way up due to one of trapezoid screws being too tight. I've fixed that already and it's not causing issues anymore.
I've noticed that when self-check moves to home position, it puts Pinda right over the circle, but when done by calibration it's completely off. See attachment for reference.
Belt tension reported by printer seems to say that they are not tense (271x 291y currently) but I've tried to adjust them a bit, and it doesn't really affect those numbers. I also had to use quite a bit of force to improve it, I kind of doubt that's the issue atm. Also changes to the tension doesn't seem to affect Pinda position at all during calibration.
Moving X axis with settings menu to right most makes it skip ~4units/mm towards the end (it just bounces off twice). It doesn't happen on Y and they are both off during calibration. Also during self-checks this doesn't happen.
I'm also out of gummy bears at this point.

Any ideas?

Publié : 09/02/2019 8:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base

I've solved the issue, will share in case someone will make the same stupid mistake as me.
Basically I've assembly the extruder correctly. It was sticking out ~5-10mm causing the issue with Z axis missing few mm and calibration getting suprised by plate being closer than it should be.

Publié : 10/02/2019 1:45 am
New Member
Re: XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base

Hello Lukasz,

I've built mine yesterday...exactly the same problem...
First test ok
And then calbration Z failed ..
How did you solved this ?
Thank you

Publié : 10/02/2019 11:47 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base

I made a huge mistake in 5. E-axis assembly, Step 19 - Inserting the E3D hotend. I didn't put it deep enough, so the hotend was sticking out too much. It shortened the z axis by ~5mm. You can tell it happens if during calibration axis moves to the top, is leveled but still makes a skipping noise as it tries to go higher.

Publié : 10/02/2019 11:52 am
New Member
Re: XYZ calibration - printer stops right after descending to the base

Thank you
exactly ; it makes a special sound during calibration Z and thane it stops with message :
Please clean the nozzle for calibration. click when done.
I'm going to check THis point and telle you after.
Thank you

Publié : 10/02/2019 12:05 pm
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