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XYZ calibration point crash  

New Member
XYZ calibration point crash


I am having an issue where after the printer finds 4 calibration points, it moves near where the first calibration point is and then proceeds to crash into the bed and tries to continue movement. I have attached a video of the entire XYZ calibration but the issue starts soon after the 7:10 mark.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" https://www.youtube.com/embed/I5oWBi8rGhY " frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What should i be looking out for as far as what is causing this issue?

Respondido : 16/05/2018 10:34 pm
Reputable Member
Re: XYZ calibration point crash

It's hard to tell, but I believe your entire extruder assembly is mounted too low... this is a common mistake. Did you assemble this? Check the manual for the extruder assembly. A picture that shows the nozzle/heatblock would help here, we could tell for sure.

Respondido : 17/05/2018 1:34 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration point crash

here are some photos. If you need more pictures of anything else let me know.

Respondido : 17/05/2018 4:27 am
Reputable Member
Re: XYZ calibration point crash

Looks good, extruder is mounted correctly. Now from the pictures, it looks like you need to lower your pinda. If the nozzle is just barely touching the bed, you should be able to rest the pinda on the thinnest portion of a zip tie.

Respondido : 17/05/2018 4:52 am