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XYZ calibration fails unless probe is all the way down  

New Member
XYZ calibration fails unless probe is all the way down

Just assembled my first MK3. Everything went smoothly up to the moment of calibration - it ended ip with "xyz calibration failed please consult the manual". The process failed to find the very first homing spot. Can't seem find what is wrong with it - everything looks assembled correctly. belt tension is good. When troubleshooting it, i tried to adjust the probe - and finally made it to calibrate successfully after moving it all the way down - almost level with the nozzle, way lower than required to prevent the nozzle catching paper sheet during XYZ calibration.
So I calibrated it with probe down, then readjusted the probe to normal height (zip tie method), did first level print calibration. axis alignment reported is almost perfect.

So far so good - it printed 3d logo, now printing another part. However, I am still concerned the XYZ calibration did not work in a proper probe position. Thinking I could have made mistake in extrusion assembly.

Should I be concerned? any idea what could be wrong?

Opublikowany : 27/12/2018 7:39 am