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Xyz calibration fail  

New Member
Xyz calibration fail

Hello. Im getting "xyz calibration failed. Please consult the manual. " message on my prusia i3 mk3 printer.
The thing is, after i assembled the printer and the first time i powered it up, everything went fine until i started printing. I started to print the prusa badge from the sd card. The left side of the print has gaps between the extrusions but the right corner looks perfect. I tried the same print many times and live adjusted the z-axis height but still got he same results. So i tried to recalibrate the xyz axsis but it just gives the error message "xyz calibration failed. Please consult the manual". Then i hit the factory reset and did the first time setup again and still no go.
Some times it fails when it works the first corner, but most of the time it completes all the four corners before i get the error message.
I adjusted the pinda probe to be exactly 1mm above the nozzle so it should be fine. Cant se any visible obstructions/ cables under the heatbed. The belts are all tight. Dont know what to look for at this point. Any tips?

Posted : 21/01/2019 6:34 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Xyz calibration fail

I had a similar problem recently. Your bed might be skewed, which means that the bed or the printer is unlevel. I recommend disassembling the y-axis and reassembling it. Make sure any bolts are tight and that the U-bolts are equally tightened.

Posted : 22/01/2019 1:16 am
Noble Member
Re: Xyz calibration fail

When you start XYZ calibration. What exactly happens and when does this message appear?

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Posted : 22/01/2019 1:33 am
New Member
Re: Xyz calibration fail

I am also having trouble at this step of the calibration process. Mind that I am a complete n00b, but I was very careful during the assembly process and it *looks* and *feels* good so far....

During the process where it says on the Display:
"X: OK Y:OK Z:OK Bed: / Hotend:OK" (note that the bed is not 'ok' at this time), it seems that my Y-axis motor keeps pulling towards the back of the printer, that means the motor is always running. It also seems that during the "auto home" process, the hotbed keeps getting pulled towards the back end of the printer, making a clonking sound ("tok, tok, tok") and crashing onto the frame.

After a while I get the message that the bed is OK as well and it wants to begin the xyz calibration. During this whole time, the Y-axis motor is trying to pull the hotbed towards the backside of the printer. That can't be right, can it? After I start the xyz calibration, the extruder goes all the way up, starts going back down (towards the piece of paper) and then I get the error message.

When I first tried calibrating, the display said this could take 12 minutes, so I let it do its thing for this time and some more, all while the y-axis motor was pulling roughly towards the backside (slightly audible by making a humming noise, at first I thought it was a regular part of the calibration process). Could this have caused some damage to the motor as well? Only thing I tried so far is unplugging the cable of the motor as well as looosening the U-belts (read that in a comment somewhere...)

Anybody got an idea what could be causing this? Frustration is starting to build, I am not very stress resistant 😉

Posted : 22/01/2019 12:19 pm
Noble Member
Re: Xyz calibration fail

Anybody got an idea what could be causing this? Frustration is starting to build, I am not very stress resistant 😉

Hello Jakob. I suggest you contact Prusa live support. They will guide you through the calibration process and will provide replacement parts if needed. In this forum you will get many suggestions but it's sometimes too much information for a beginner and at the end you need to diagnose/fix the issue.

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Posted : 22/01/2019 6:45 pm