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XYZ Calibration  

New Member
XYZ Calibration

Let me start this off by first saying this is my first ever 3D printer ever built and have no previous experience. With that said, I found the guide very easy to follow and helpful and put the printer together with very minimal issues. The first major issue I ran into was while running the wizard. The selftest ran perfectly, but during the first point of the XYZ Calibration, the print head began going down and eventually got close to the heatbed, but just before touching the paper/bed the LCD says "Calibration failed! Check the axes and run again." I've ran the selftest multiple times and have checked everything I can think of. This was until I found out the pinda probe was not in the circle when running the XYZ calibration. Sometimes after running the selftest, the probe will be slightly to the right and outside of the circle, but during my most recent test the probe was more in the "left-bottom" as I was looking at the circle from the top of the printer. This is all on the first point of calibration. I have no clue on where to even start. Most forum posts I saw said to adjust the pinda probe up/down but I have adjusted the thing a million times. Any thoughts on what could be going wrong while calibrating the "home" location of the pinda probe within the circle? I can attach pictures as needed.

Publié : 25/10/2018 10:31 pm
Reputable Member
Re: XYZ Calibration


It is frustrating when post assembly problems are encountered. The support tab on the home page under knowledge base has really good info to check out on common problems if you have not already been there.

yes, pictures are very helpful. please post them. It seems there may be something mis-aligned somewhere with the assembly of one of the axes. See the following link. Make sure to read the whole thing. I would also check the assembly instructions online as the comments are very helpful.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Publié : 26/10/2018 1:15 am
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration

This happened to me in the first build, problem was I didn't put hot end in far enough (up high)

Publié : 26/10/2018 9:38 am
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