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XYZ Axis Calibration Error at first point  

New Member
XYZ Axis Calibration Error at first point

I bought an MK3 Kit and have it assembled but have yet to get a print out of it because it fails calibration every time. It passes the self test without any problems but when it goes to calibrate the XYZ it will successfully reach the top of the Z axis but when it prompts you to put paper under the first of the four points it will come down to the paper and then stops and give me an error message. This is not my video but it does exactly the same thing:

I have tested the PINDA and it is fully functional. I have tried adjusting the height of it a few times to the height of a zip tie, a little more, and a little less. I have also used pronterface to run the G80 code and it has worked a few times. Though I also have had it fail on the third of the nine points as well.

Any ideas as what could be the issue!?!? I'm a first time 3D printer user and also a teacher that is trying to get this hooked up so I can use it correctly in the classroom and the frustration is starting to mount.

Veröffentlicht : 19/01/2019 5:56 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: XYZ Axis Calibration Error at first point

The axes and/or heat bed are too far out of alignment. If they are built with far enough error, the calibration routine never finds the calibration target points.

PINDA is at correct distance range using thinner portion of zip tie.
Verified PINDA functions by bringing a piece of steel near PINDA and seeing PINDA red light go out.

Two things to check...

1. Fan and extruder motor wires
Fan and extruder motor wires are not blocking extruder body from reaching left frame. Wires should be tucked fully into extruder body slot or may shift x left end slightly. It will still pass x axis test, but shifts x origin relative to heat bed.

2. Fix xy skew
If there is too much skew, printer has trouble finding calibration points. Look at last pict in y-rods part 1 step of

Do NOT follow all the more complicated instructions there. That is for hyper-accurate xyz rebuild. You don't need an hyper-accurate build yet. You just need to minimize xy skew enough to get running. Look at the pict that shows the view looking down at the x-rods. Do the following quickie xy skew fix...

Loosen all bolts of the four y-rod mounts. That leaves the rods able to shift a bit.

Concentrate on aligning the left rod (dual bearing) first.
The left rod will be the master Y-rod. Its orientation will set the head bed alignment.
Sight down and see how your x-rods align with the x-lines of print bed.
Slide master rod mounts left/right to achieve good alignment of printed lines with x-rods.
Visual occultation should be simultaneous at both left and right ends of the x-rod.
Tighten down the master rod mounts in that "perfect" position.

Slide y-carriage backwards and forward to bring right, "follower" rod into usable alignment.
With y-carriage fully forward, tighten front follower rod mount
With y-carriage fully backward, tighten rear follower rod mount

Finally, try xyz calibration.

Veröffentlicht : 19/01/2019 7:00 pm
New Member
Re: XYZ Axis Calibration Error at first point

I'm having a similar issue. I've googled this so many times and I think I've read everything and watched every youtube video now. After the fourth calibration point, it stops exactly in the center of the circle and says calibration failed. Consult the manual. I can't tell you how mad reading the consult the manual makes me because we all know there is absolutely nothing in there related to this problem. I've rebuilt this thing at least 3 times. I figured out that I need to re-run the self test after every change. I'm not sure why, even though it passes every time if I make an adjustment and don't re-run the selfcheck the XYZ calibration might fail early, but re-running the selfcheck ensures that I make it to the fourth point.I waited two months to get my kit. I've spent every day of the last two weeks working on it, but I'm believing more and more something is not right with this printer and it's not my fault. It must be defective. How do I get a replacement?

Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2019 3:48 am