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X-axis unhealthy noises in top Z positions  

New Member
X-axis unhealthy noises in top Z positions

Hello, I have a new Prusa MK3S+ which came as KIT and I did assembly. I have printed already for about 40 hours with good quality and no other issues. Recently I printed first object that was taller than 10cm (about 18cm). Once the print head was about 12cm above bed level it started to make strange noise that is coming from x-axis stepper motor (see video ). When I run belt test in positions below 10cm I rarely get these noises.  My x-axis and y-axis tensions are about 250-255 in belt test. This is the lowest tension I can put on belts which I believe is already high, though still in recommended range.

I also use this opportunity to consult noises from Y-axis bearing. Are this "rolling" noises on video normal for bed movement? They are produced mainly for middle to max Y bed position.

Thank you for your thoughts 😉


Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 3 years 2 veces por romanecko
Respondido : 19/12/2021 6:58 pm