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X Axis issue  

Martina Pi
New Member
X Axis issue


After assembling the MK3s, and few prints that didn’t come as expected, I tried a new Wizard configurations, after only tightening few screws of the printer (screws that were looking loose according the yt video of the Prisa channel). Now, the print won’t pass the Wizard configuration, and stuck on the X axis (see the pic). Any ideas?

Napsal : 04/06/2020 3:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: X Axis issue

The length of the axes are measured by the motor current going up as it tries to push the ends off. The software looks at the length from bump to bump and if the answer is wrong it says check axis length. Does it go to both ends during the calibration test

Test 1 - Try to move the extruder all the way left and all the way right.

Check; Does it go the whole way without sticking? Does the belt stay on the pulley? Is the pulley secure or spinning on the shaft?

The motor "stopping" too soon by a jam OR not stopping both give the same axis error report. If it travels the whole length with little or no resistance the actual distance might be wrong.

Test 2 - Check that both rods are all the way in at both ends per assembly book X-Axis Assembly page 8 of 12. My rods needed a lot of persuasion to go all the way in. 

I presume that as you had it going it there will be test results so go to the Main Menu, scroll down, select Support then scroll down to Belt Status and check the results in there. They should be between 240 and 300 (Printing Handbook P 75).

Hope that helps.




Napsal : 04/06/2020 5:24 pm
Martina Pi
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: X Axis issue


Hi Andrew,

thanks for the answer, I tried few stuff, but I still got the same problem.

The extruder can move in both side on the x axis, but I can feel there is some resistance on the right side. The pulley of the x axis motor seems fine, it move according to the need. The belt is also tight and steady, I talked with the support and they recommended me to make it more tight (was way to loose before). The number on the belt status is now around 160, before 125.

The rods seems laying inside correctly. I also greased all the rods, thinking would help.

The funny part is that before the update my printer was working, the only issue was sticking.

Waiting for an answer from the support.

thanks for the help,


Napsal : 10/06/2020 3:43 pm
Estimable Member
RE: X Axis issue

Glad to hear your getting it sorted. Only comment I have is that your belt numbers still look on the low side. Slacken off the holder on the left hand side and adjust the tension on the tension bolt. You really should be in the range above.


Napsal : 12/06/2020 12:00 pm
New Member
RE: X Axis issue


I ran into the same problem. It turned out to be the x-axis belt. It was too tight. If you contact the support folks, they can help you retrieve some diagnostic values that will confirm the problem. The downside is that you will probably have to remove the back of the extruder in order to adjust the belt tension. The real problem here is that this is a very ambiguous setting, and it's difficult to tell exactly how tense the belt should be. What I would probably suggest to Prusa is to include some kind of plastic caliper that -- when clamped -- illustrates the proper tension of the belt.

Napsal : 12/06/2020 11:55 pm
Martina Pi
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: X Axis issue


Hi Andrew!

I finally manage to loosen the x belt, the number is not the best (247) but it work! Now another issue emerged which is the Y motor loose pulley. I wrote the support and lets see what they will tell me. Thanks again for your help!


Napsal : 15/06/2020 2:41 pm