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X Axis Getting "Clipped"  

Active Member
X Axis Getting "Clipped"

I've created a model that uses the full 250 mm x 210 mm bed. It has a 210 mm diameter circle with a box continuing out to the right for the full 250 mm width. On printing, the circle is getting "Clipped" on the left side by about 2.5 mm. Coincidentally, under Settings / Move Axis, if I move the X axis to the left, it will not go below 2.50 mm.

The Y-axis seems fine. I get no clipping at Y = 0 or Y = 210 mm.

* I'm assuming the advertised print dimensions (25 cm x 21 cm x 21 cm) are actual numbers and not approximations that have been rounded up. Is that correct?
* Is there some kind of printer offset for the X-axis so that I can print down to X = 0 mm?
* If there is and I adjust it, will I then get clipping on the right side at X = 250 mm?

I've had the Prusa i3 Mk3 for a little over a week now. It is updated to 3.3.0-830 and I just re-ran the setup Wizard and confirm it is still clipping. I didn't get any errors originally or now during the Wizard setup. I don't see any values, but it said my axes were perpendicular.

Thanks for your help.

Publié : 12/07/2018 6:16 pm
New Member
Re: X Axis Getting "Clipped"


This is I am sure related to your problem.

I have only just finished building my MK3 and going through the calibration process I got the following issue.

Initially I had a problem with X-axis nor moving far enough to the left and found that the fan wires were just sticking out a bit far and stopping the extruder assembly going to the left.
This made my initial calibration FAIL.

I then fiddled with the wires to move them out of the way and PASSED this initial test.

So now I know the carriage moves FULL left and RIGHT and through the FULL Y back to front and the Z is working fine.

I go to next calibration step and even though I KNOW the x axis travel is complete, I get errors because the X-Axis belt is very slightly out and causes that the first calibration bed point can't be found.

As I printed my first item (ever) I got an almost perfect print of the whistle AND tree frog. But I then moved to a slightly larger print and suddenly I can see that the layers are shifting in the X-AXIS and I get a small "squeak" as the carriage moves towards the centre. I now know this is likely a belt issue as the squeak sounds like rubber squeak.

It sounds like you have much more experience than me, but I think the X-axis is perhaps quite hard to get right and I would definitely check that the fan motor wires are not stopping the carriage and that the belt is aligned and tensioned properly in the X-axis.

Good luck...

Publié : 16/07/2018 9:25 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: X Axis Getting "Clipped"

Thanks Robert for replying!

I think I have a whopping two weeks head-start on you. 😀

My first reaction after reading your comment was that that couldn't be it. Reading that our Mk3 doesn't use limit switches any more, but uses the new stepper drivers that detect... I guess... by the current draw going up when the motor hits an obstruction. I falsely assumed that the motor would just detect "my" limit (even if wires were in the way and set that to "my" X=0.

I looked anyway... My fan wires were tucked-up good and tight out of the way. I still felt the springy vs hard stop. Looking closer... with better light...
Damn!... 😳 my wire-tie-nub on the back bundle coming out of the head unit was bumping into the bar. Turned it around out of the way and BAM! All's great with the world!

Thanks again.

Publié : 17/07/2018 5:28 pm
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