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What causes my needle holes?  

Eminent Member
What causes my needle holes?

I don't know what else to call these.  They actually look worse in the picture than they do in real life, but does anyone know what would cause these little pinholes in the layers and what to tweak to tune them out?

Opublikowany : 31/10/2020 9:01 am
New Member
RE: What causes my needle holes?

It looks to me like the result of using 'random' seam position.     If so, try setting it to 'aligned' or dictate exactly where you want the seam (you can paint in the seam position  in PrusaSlicer 2.3 🙂 



Opublikowany : 31/10/2020 10:08 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What causes my needle holes?
Posted by: @ssmith

I don't know what else to call these.  They actually look worse in the picture than they do in real life, but does anyone know what would cause these little pinholes in the layers and what to tweak to tune them out?


you can set the seam position in prusaslicer here. i usually use aligned:

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Opublikowany : 31/10/2020 1:51 pm