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Weird sounds while printing  

New Member
Weird sounds while printing

Hello Everyone,

I have just assembled my first printer (MK3S) and it is so loud that all those raving reviews with "it is so silent you can only hear the fan" must have been made by someone who can barely hear a fog siren from a 3m distance.

My printer makes horribly loud noise during printing and in addition to the "standard" noise it makes a high pitched R2-D2 noise. So now I am wondering if it is my fault during the assembly or is this how it is supposed to be.

I have added a video of the sad R2-D2 noises and any help whatsoever would be appreciated.


This topic was modified před 5 years by Oz
Napsal : 08/07/2020 5:52 pm
Noble Member
RE: Weird sounds while printing


Check out this video:

Beside of that this noise can come from over tighten belts and bad aligned bearings. Make sure you can move all axes (while the printer is off) freely. There shouldn't be any big resistance. Move it slow, as you can damage your board with fast manual movements.

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Napsal : 08/07/2020 7:39 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Weird sounds while printing

I had the same issue with mine too. I double checked screws, and belts to make sure they were not over tight or loose, I also put a rubber mad under it which helped. 

Then I just kept running it. After several hours when everything settled in, I found a few bolts in the y-axis that had to be tightened a bit, now the noise level is much better after it all settled in.

Also, I have it on a cheap Ikea desk, which is acting as a amplifier and making everything sound worse, when you get a nice solid base that will help too.

Napsal : 09/07/2020 5:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird sounds while printing
Posted by: @ozren-petrovic

Hello Everyone,

I have just assembled my first printer (MK3S) and it is so loud that all those raving reviews with "it is so silent you can only hear the fan" must have been made by someone who can barely hear a fog siren from a 3m distance.

My printer makes horribly loud noise during printing and in addition to the "standard" noise it makes a high pitched R2-D2 noise. So now I am wondering if it is my fault during the assembly or is this how it is supposed to be.

I have added a video of the sad R2-D2 noises and any help whatsoever would be appreciated.


The noises add up from many mechanical components such as the bearing guides, belt tension, stability of the whole construction, steppermotor currents, resonances etc.
If you place the printer on suitable feet and/or a solid plate, it should run much smoother.

The use of slide bearings (sintered bronze) generally results in better running smoothness.


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 09/07/2020 5:35 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Weird sounds while printing

Printing a round model is hard working for a printer, and yes more sound.

In the print settings you can slow down speeds, the 180 200 speed I make 120.

And some 80 speed  I change to 60(infill), both settings make less noise, and less wear on printer.

You could also try the silent setting in the printer, then safety setting will shut down, and printer makes less sound and less speed, how slow I do not know.

Napsal : 10/07/2020 7:38 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird sounds while printing

Thank you all for the comments. I have spent the last few days printing, tightening, and loosening things, but not much has changed. I guess I will just have to get used to the sound or R2-D2 being molested until I can go out and buy a concrete slab and try my luck with that. 🙂


Thanks guys.

Napsal : 13/07/2020 11:21 pm