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Warping "3D Printer Test (mini)"  

Active Member
Warping "3D Printer Test (mini)"

I received my MK3 printer kit this week, assembled it, calibrated, etc. I've printed a few small items successfully (e.g. Benchy, Pub Buddy) and so I decided to try the "3D Printer Test (mini)" off of Thingiverse ( ). I grabbed the file STL, pulled it into Slic3r (Prusa edition) and exported the gcode. I realize now that I was supposed to set the infill to 100% instead of 20%... that said, I saw some warping at the bottom of the print that I want to try and fix before printing another with the correct infill... so I'm looking for some ideas on how to best address that.

As for material, I'm using the PLA that came with the kit and the default settings for PLA.


Best Answer by thrawn86:

clean your bed with acetone, and use a brim if needed for warping.

I'm not sure why 100% infill is "required" for this at all. But honestly, it looks fine. Maybe slow down your top solid infill. Don't waste your time with lengthy prints like this, try and focus on specific things OR just....start printing other stuff that you want.

Posted : 28/05/2018 12:23 am
Honorable Member
Re: Warping "3D Printer Test (mini)"

clean your bed with acetone, and use a brim if needed for warping.

I'm not sure why 100% infill is "required" for this at all. But honestly, it looks fine. Maybe slow down your top solid infill. Don't waste your time with lengthy prints like this, try and focus on specific things OR just....start printing other stuff that you want.

Posted : 28/05/2018 11:01 pm