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Warped print  

Active Member
Warped print


I've finished assembling my MK3 a few days ago and have some trouble with larger prints. The Prusa logo printed fine and so do most smaller things. However, oftentimes (especially with larger models) I see the filament peeling from the hotbed like so:

As you can see, that corner is also very rough and uneven. Whether this is a consequence of the peeling or not I can't say, though it seems likely as the rest of the print looks okay. This was was the second time I attempted this, unfortunately with the exact same result as on the first try.

A few notes that might be of interest:

  • The peeling seems to always happen at the lower left corner, regardless of model size

  • Filament is the PLA that came with the MK3, printed at 215°/60°

  • The hotbed was wiped thoroughly with pads identical to the one that were in the box

  • I also tried printing on the reverse side of the hotbed in case there was some weird curvature going on (there wasn't)
  • Since this was a larger model I tried to print it over night, but was woken up after 4 or so hours by the printer beeping rather annoyingly. It asked me to hit the knob to preheat the nozzle and then unload and re-load the filament before continuing (if I remember this correctly, it was 4am ;). I did abort the print, though, due to the heavy warping. What is going on here? Was this the crash detection kicking in?

    Any help is appreciated!

    Postato : 20/12/2018 11:26 am
    Noble Member
    Re: Warped print

    The hotbed was wiped thoroughly with pads identical to the one that were in the box

  • Give the sheet a good wash with a soft sponge (not the scratchy kind some will recommend) and dish soap (just plain soap, nothing that will leave a residue after).

  • Put it back on the bed being careful not to touch the sheet with your fingers.

  • Wipe it down with 90+% IPA and a good paper towel that doesn't leave lint.

  • Wipe it down again with acetone and a good paper towel.

  • Print
  • That's what did it for me. Under the halogen lights of my office the sheet looked clean, but when it got hit with some harsh LED light at an angle I saw a bunch of smudges. I went through the above process and then again after each of my next few prints (all 3DBenchies) and I have not had another lifting problem. I have backed off to just doing the IPA wipe between small/fast prints, saving the full bath for every few prints, and saving the acetone for before a big print with parts that have a small foot print.

    MMU tips and troubleshooting
    Postato : 20/12/2018 4:13 pm
    LA 3D Printer Repair
    Re: Warped print

    If you are cleaning the PEI bed with alcohol, that’s great.

    To refresh the bed you will need a good wipedown with 100% acetone.

    Trust me, the difference is night and day.

    (Acetone treatment is only for PLA, for PET, do not prep with acetone, use Windex instead!)

    Postato : 20/12/2018 6:24 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Warped print

    Looks as though this was printed on glass?

    Postato : 20/12/2018 6:53 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Warped print

    Looks as though this was printed on glass?

    No, it wasn't.

    Thanks for the tip with the acetone, I'll give it a try!

    Postato : 20/12/2018 8:13 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Warped print

    Just something for you to note. The grid infill pattern can cause problems on large print. where the filament lines cross you can double height layers.

    To help stick a print down use a brim. If that dosen't work. Get one of these sheets stuck on

    Postato : 21/12/2018 12:36 am
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Warped print

    Cleaning the hotbed with acetone did the trick - thanks everybody for the help!

    Postato : 22/12/2018 8:56 am