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Vibration Noise on Y-Axis  

Active Member
Vibration Noise on Y-Axis

For quite some time now, the Y-Axis on my mk3s has been making a very loud noise during infill printing (I assume from vibrations). I assumed this was due to either loose screws or a problem with the bearings on the y-axis (as the noise seems to have increased over time). Two weeks ago I did the upgrade to the mk3s+, including replacing the bearings for new bushings, cleaning of the rods etc. I re-aligned the y-axis rods, re-tightened the new rod holders etc. However, the noise is still there. 

This only occurs when printing infill (using the normal PrusaSlicer settings), not when printing supports, perimeters etc. When I tune the speed down (to about 85%) during a print, the noise is significantly reduced (although still noticeable).

Once my current print is done, I'll try re-tightening the heatbed-screws (again) as well as trying to further narrow down the origins of the noise / vibrations. In the meantime, does anyone have an idea what else might cause these? They seem to be specific to infill / higher speed moves of the bed.

Respondido : 30/12/2021 10:52 am
RE: Vibration Noise on Y-Axis

Did you lubricate your bearings?  I would try that first.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 30/12/2021 12:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vibration Noise on Y-Axis


Posted by: @cwbullet

Did you lubricate your bearings?  I would try that first.  

I did, prior to the "+" upgrade, using Prusas lubricant that came with the printer; made no difference. When doing the upgrade, I checked the bearings and, since the metal balls within them were all out of place I assumed that was the origin of the noise. So I replaced the original ball bearings with slide bearings ( https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B079M88FF8/), and while the overall noise level has improved after that, the vibration noise is still there.

Respondido : 30/12/2021 12:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vibration Noise on Y-Axis

Little Update: Having so far eliminated almost all other possible culprits (heatbed - checked and re-tightened; rods - checked and re-aligned; belts - checked; plastic rod-holders - checked and re-tightened; pulley on y-axis-motor - readjusted away from the motor), I am starting to think that the issue might be the motor itself. Switching the printer between normal and stealth mode seems to confirm this; the noise is audible in both modes, but the pitch changes.

Two possible options IMHO:

Either it's creating vibrations which get transferred to the frame due to the way the mount is designed (with the motor touching the frame), or the motor itself is skewed in some way. The former would be fixable with a modified motor mount (looking into that at the moment), the latter by replacing a motor, which (looking at the prices for the motor in Prusa's shop) is a somewhat pricey repair, hence for me only the "ultima ratio" (especially since it is still totally up in the air if this would even solve the problem).

Respondido : 03/01/2022 4:39 pm
Steve Kohls
New Member
RE: Vibration Noise on Y-Axis

Did you ever solve your problem? I'm noticing vibration/rattle noise in the Y axis also. I've lubed the rods and am getting ready to retighten everything and check the bed bearing assemblies. belts tightness is in the acceptable range.

Respondido : 11/12/2022 6:45 pm
Rylan Wintle
RE: Vibration Noise on Y-Axis

I have the same issue but have found a solution! I have found that it is the motor. It ends up touching the frame. So if you push on the motor towards the front of the motor the sound stops. So far all I have had to do is push on it but you might need to stick a peice of thin foam in between there. But it is much much quieter now!

Respondido : 10/07/2023 5:48 pm
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