Unable to run the Calibration Menu’s First Layer Calibration or its Live Z Test on MK3 MMU2
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Unable to run the Calibration Menu’s First Layer Calibration or its Live Z Test on MK3 MMU2  

New Member
Unable to run the Calibration Menu’s First Layer Calibration or its Live Z Test on MK3 MMU2

I’m unable to run the Calibration Menu’s First Layer Calibration or its Live Z Test on my MK3 MMU2.

The issue started when I replaced the hot end assembly, along with its heater cartridge and thermistor wire assemblies. I assembled the new hot end components using Thomas Sandladerer’s YouTube E3D Hot End video as a guide. I connected the heater cartridge and thermistor and then heated the whole assembly to 280C before I did a final tightening.

From there, I successfully ran the Self Test, XYZ Calibration, and Z Calibration. But I have not been able to run the First Layer Calibration or Live Z. I choose those tests, then choose the Filament number for the printer to use. Once I do that, the printer essentially kicks me out of the command with the intro screen and then gives me the message “Distance between nozzle and bed surface has not been set yet.

And now I’m not even able to Preheat the printer or even heat the nozzle on its own (Using the Settings > Temperature > Nozzle command).

I’ve tried old and new firmwares for the MK3 MMU2. I’ve tried the reset button on the printer. No luck.

Could this be related to tightening the thermistor’s set screw too much? Or something else?

Thanks so much!

Posted : 08/04/2019 7:22 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Unable to run the Calibration Menu’s First Layer Calibration or its Live Z Test on MK3 MMU2

I’ve rerun the Self Test and the nozzle check failed. What’s causing the heating problem and how do I fix it?

Posted : 09/04/2019 12:59 pm