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Unable to extrude filament all the way through the hotend  

Robert Crane
Trusted Member
Unable to extrude filament all the way through the hotend

I just assembled my new MK3s that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I’m happy to report that almost everything works perfect on my printer, calibrations passed with flying colours, but only up to the point where I needed to load filament to do the first layer calibration or anything else for that matter.

The issue is that I can only push filamentabout half way through the hotend, then it stops. On this printer, it hasn’t even had a chance to reach the nozzle, just melts a wee bit on the end.

The gears do turn and appear to be aligned properly but the tube may or may not be just a little too close to the gear but I don’t know that for sure.

The filament sensor and everything else seems to be working properly. The wires are all connected properly. Great care was taken when assembling the extruder but a mistake is always possible. Does anyone know what this could be or know of anything else that could cause this.


Veröffentlicht : 22/03/2019 12:58 am
Robert Crane
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Unable to extrude filament all the way through the hotend


I updated the firmware to the latest version and tried loading filament again and was able to, extrude it all the way through the hotend. I will redo all of the calibrations and see what happens. Maybe, just maybe I will resolve this issue 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 22/03/2019 2:37 am