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Troubleshooting a Print: Second Opinion Requested  

Active Member
Troubleshooting a Print: Second Opinion Requested

I have a suite of STL files I downloaded from an online repository.

Last night I sliced the files using Prusa Slicer using the PETG profile.  When I woke this morning, I saw that the print had a significant x-axis layer shift at a specific layer level.  No other layer shift issues occurred within the print.

I lubed the x-axis bearings and re-tightened the x-axis belt.  Then I re-sliced the same STL file (this time with the PLA profile) and restarted the job.  Because I was present to witness this, I saw that the printer reported crash detection, reset itself, and went back to printing an x-axis layer shift in the exact same spot.

My conclusion is that this is probably not a problem with the printer hardware, but rather the source STL file or something to do with its slicing.

Would any of you agree with this conclusion?  If not, could you help me understand what may be happening better so I can troubleshoot the hardware successfully?

Veröffentlicht : 23/02/2020 1:09 pm
Noble Member
RE: Troubleshooting a Print: Second Opinion Requested

In PrusaSlicer, save your .3mf file.

Zip it up and post it here. It sounds like you have a model problem.

Or maybe an overhang at an opening. Those tent to bend up and catch.

Veröffentlicht : 23/02/2020 6:06 pm